TBD on Ning

Posted ImageNTS in the ATTICPosted Image

In alphabetical order...
the*WHAT* and the *WHERE*
must begin with the same letter Posted Image

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Dance til you drop, you naughty nymph.

Offended by outsiders, Orion out-chucked an onslaught of on-lookers into outer orbit, one-on-one and one at a time.

Solitary Orion--I'm not lookin'! ツ

Pretty Polly, planted in a picture-window, proud as a peacock, packed into "her" padded petticoat and pantaloons, primped and preened, patting on powder and patchouli perfume, pleased as punch by the prurient peering of passersby.

(Ah, yes, patchouli oil. Now, that IS so special)

Queen Quiggly is quite querrulous in some quarters, such as at the quaint Quaker quadrilles with his quartet of quarterbacks. 

( I used to wear Satana Musk Oil. I gave Draughn some patchouli oil--I don't think anything is sexier than the warm body of a nicely muscled man wearing a little patchouli. ツ)

Regal Riordan remonstrated with rowdy rabble-rousers regarding recent rulings restricting residents from running rampant, ruining the respectability of the ritzy Roosevelt Rockport residential complex. 

Slavering sloppily from the smarting sting of the serranos on his seared steak sandwich, Sanderson Smithers spits on the silky sheen of his special Seville Row suit, worn specifically for the Sacramento slumlords sentencing.

Drool bucket for Mr. Smithers!

Terrifically terrified to travel by train, Terence tremulously totters toward the tracks telling tremendously tragic tales of tumbling train-cars and total termination, his tongue talking of tombs and terrors, trying to temper, yet touting, his trepidation.

Poor timid Torrance.

Uniformly uplifted by her underwires  Uma undertakes to utilize her underwear for the umph of udder unity. 

Udder unity for all! ツ

"Verily," voiced Vivienne vociferously, "venture vigilantly, for virulently venomous vipers and very vicious villains wait veiled, vengefully vaunting vendetta."

(Nice job with the V's   always difficult)

Wafting wispily, Willa whispered wanton words to a willing, woefully wan and wistfully waiting Willy.

(Tch, tch Willa!)

Arrrrgh--my nemesis X!

eXtremely eXcited to eXhibit xylography and xerography, Xenophon Xeroxes eXtensively, eXplaining the eXtremely large xylocarps.

Not bad!

Zeroing in on Zachary, Zelda zooms into his zone with zany zeal, zapping him zealously with zinnias.

I love zinnias!

(We missed Y.)

"Yes," Yeltsin yammered, "yellowest yolks are yummiest. If you, yourselves, yearn for (yawn) yuppy yogurt, its yeasty and yucky and will yutz-up your yin and yang!"




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