TBD on Ning

Posted ImageNTS in the ATTICPosted Image

In alphabetical order...
the*WHAT* and the *WHERE*
must begin with the same letter Posted Image

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:^ ) LOL. Love hoovered as a noun.

Inez injested an ignominious inventory of Italian ices.

(Hahaha! Actually, it's a slang verb form in this area--the image is someone sucking food or drink down like a vacuum cleaner. LOL

BRAIN FREEZE for Inez!!! Oooooow!)

Jennifer jaw-jammed jars of jono jelly and Jif. ツ

(Love it!)

Kiko killed a kilo of kumquat Kool-aid.

Lawrence lustily licked luscious Limoncello lollipops.

Marsha munched mountains of maraschino marshmallows.

(I've never tasted a flavored marshmallow--are they good?)

Norbert nibbled nearly ninety Nutterbutters!

(I just made that up).

Orville opts for an oxcart of oversized oranges.

Penelope pinches pâtissière Polly's pecan pies.

Quiggly quests for quantities of quality quiches .

Richard regularly ravishes a rundlet of Ron Rico Rum.

(Someone call Richard a cab).

Samson samples sumptuous servings of savory sauces.

(Hahaha! More likely, an ambulance or hearse.)

Thomas tickles his tonsils with tempting, tender, T-bones.




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