TBD on Ning

Picked up at library Louise Penny’s latest A BETTER MAN Thurs, read it and returned it Sat. Am sorry to say I didn’t enjoy it as much as her other books. Perhaps because there wasn’t as much exposure to Three Pines as usual. 

Last night started Philippa Gregory’s just published TIDELANDS.  Grabbed me from the get-go!!!!It’s a historical fiction novel, circa 1648.  Story takes place in England where they are in the grip of a civil war between renegade king and rebellious parliament. England, 1648, is a dangerous time for a woman to be different. Meet Alinor who unknowingly leads disaster into the heart of her life! 

What are you reading?

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I moved last month and realized I should have gone through my books before the move as I had more boxes of books than anything else. However I discovered several books that I had never read. I just finished The Novel by James Michener. It tells the story of a book through the eyes of the author, the editor, the critic and the reader. The book was published in 1991, so I am sure a lot of the technology has changed but it was still an interesting read.
Next on my list is the new Louise Penny book. One reviewer said it was her best book yet. Obviously Rapa disagrees. I will return with my assessment.

I sat on a library waiting list for over 2 months to get Laura Lippman's latest mystery, "Lady in the Lake".  With all the raves about it, I thought it would be great.  Well, not as great as I thought. And I usually like her stuff.  I don't know what I'll do if I finally get the latest Louise Penney and don't like it, ohhhh.

Not to worry, Joanne.   The new Penny book is good, not to fear!  I just didn’t enjoy it as much as some of the others. 

If you enjoy historical fiction do read TIDELANDS!    It’s a story you’ll remember!!!! Highly recommend it!

Also finished C. J. Box’s recent release THE BITTERROOTS.  Was OK but I missed Joe Pickett!

Have WILL MY CAT EAT MY EYEBALLS and THREE WOMEN  waiting for me at the library.  Both are non-fiction, one about death and the other about sex! As you should know by now, I’m an eclectic reader!

I just finished reading ABetter Man, and I must say I enjoyed it!  I have bought and read all her books, ever since Bookoholocs introduced me to them years ago.  I have kept them all with the intention of re-reading them in my old age(after all, I am only 80 now, so when I get elderly and slow down I will have lots of time to enjoy them again, right?). Maybe I just forget how good each individual book is, but I really look forward to the next one!

Recently I finished a debut  memoir, EDUCATED, authored by Tara Westover. Tara tells a powerful story based on her self journals kept over the years. As her parents in Idaho were survivalists, not believing in public schools, doctors, hospitals, Tara sought out her own education. Her mother did teach her to read and write. Have any of you read this book? 

The Summer has now faded into the shadowy past and I have been away from Bookoholics for all of it. But I would like to rejoin the group and hope I can suggest some titles I have found enjoyable during the past few months.

I am currently reading a book I suppose would fall into the broad Science Fiction category called Recursion by Blake Crouch.I haven't read anything in that genre for a long time. A scientist finds a way to recapture old memories and even go back in time to relive your life in a way you would have preferred. A couple examples of sentences will probably discourage anyone else from reading it. "Our cognitions---our idea of reality---are shaped by what we can perceive, by the limitations of our senses." And. "Every moment is equally real and happening now, but the nature of our consciousness only gives us access to one slice at a time." I'll finish it, but not without scanning some paragraphs very briefly.

But I have read some very good ones during the past few months, including Run Away by Harlen Coben, The Fallen by David Baldacci and my favorite of the year so far, The Shadows We Hide by Allen Eskens.  I have on hold at my library and am waiting patiently (perhaps not so patiently) for This Tender Land by William Kent Krueger.It has received excellent reviews and was one of the novels nominated as best of 2019 by a Minnesota writer.

Good hearing from you Loruach! I, too, am waiting for my reserve of THIS TENDER LAND to arrive!  Picked up a few books from the library stacks today.  Last night I finished a book I’d ordered from Powell Books in Portland years ago. It’s RACHEL, RACHEL a vintage book by Margaret Laurence. Is a good read!!!!

I feel compelled to write this. I am just starting Dachshund Through the Snow by David Rosenfelt. Rosenfelt, of course, is also the author of such titles as Deck the Hounds and The Twelve Dogs of Christmas, among many others.

I am currently reading Outfoxed by Rosenfelt.  He's my favorite light humor mystery author.  I have one of his non-dog books in my bag to try next. Are they as good as the Andy Carpenter series?

Last week read Delia Owens’s WHERE THE CRAWDADS SING..   So far it’s my favorite read of the year!!!! You’ll find this an unforgettable story!

On the other hand Started reading Stephen King’s new release THE INSTITUTE.  After about 75 pages I had no interest in going further.  Way too much science fiction for me.  It's going back to library today!

My F2F book club has 'Crawdads' as our January 2020 read.  I've heard several recommendations for it and am looking forward to reading it.




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