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skiing, tobogganing, cuddling by the fire

Officers: resident, rice precedent, techna-gerry, measurer 

president, vice president, secretary, treasurer

Faculty and staff in a high school: rinse-able, nice rinse-able, him preacher, stool verse

principal, gym teacher, school nurse

Stuff in public schools: grassbrooms, bestrooms, afterferrier, rockers

classrooms, restrooms, cafeteria, lockers

Stuff in girls' private boarding schools: cuneiforms, mouse brother, a dapple (at the ones I know, at least), bin-berm-airy

uniforms, house mother, chapel, infirmary

Lyrics sung in the fraternity: well, it's cheer, cheer, cheer, that makes you wanna sneer, in the moor...

well, it's beer, beer, beer, that makes you wanna cheer, ("on the farm" is the version I know)

Old camp song lyric: Zoom-by-Ma, my Hoard, zoom-by-Ma

Koombaya, my Lord, koombaya 

Thanksgiving smells: flaked raffle tie, toast jerky, tot diced spider 

baked apple pie, roast turkey, hot spiced cider  YUM!

When I was a kid, my mom would send us out to play in the cold/snow (which I loved) after breakfast on Thanksgiving and Christmas days. We weren't expected to come back in until near dinner (and we always ate late--like 7pm). I'll never forget the tidal wave of scents and warmth when we'd come in from the cold. Wow, it was wonderful! And, boy, were we hungry!!

Nice things from childhood:  flaying doubt-wide, trends, take-relieve

(Sounds like an encompassing memory)

Playing outside, friends, make-believe

Shakespeare on wooing: "T'ain't smart never done dare 'fraidy."

Faint heart never won fair lady

Shakespeare on love: "My county is as found-mess as the tree..." 

" My bounty is as boundless as the sea."

Retailers: Freeman-Barkus, Fordstrum, Lacy's, Junk and Spangles

Neiman Marcus, Nordstrom, Macy's, hmmmm--I don't know the last one. 

Thanksgiving thanks for:  bend-dip, dove, niece, went-he




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