TBD on Ning

Posted ImageNTS in the ATTICPosted Image

In alphabetical order...
the*WHAT* and the *WHERE*
must begin with the same letter Posted Image

Views: 10416

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Quentin quacks, quayside, quaveringly.

Rage-filled Randy rants riotously.

Seething seth shrieks savagely.

Timid Terry tremulously trumpets terror.

Haha--we have some f**cked up guys here.  


Una's ululations undulate underwater.

(Good one!)

Vanna's vocal volume vexed verecund Vincent.

Wanton Wanda wails wildly.

Xenia wails on her xylophone. (Oh well.) 

Yuri yelps out yonder,(oh, well, 2)

Zamphyr zaps a zesty zither. (Huh, what??? HAHA!)

New category: include a flavor (general or specific)

Anne anticipates an afternoon anisette.

Brenda beats her blueberry batter.

Colin covets chocolate-covered cordial cherries.




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