TBD on Ning

Posted ImageNTS in the ATTICPosted Image

In alphabetical order...
the*WHAT* and the *WHERE*
must begin with the same letter Posted Image

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(I used to love those big "steamers")

Ralph roots for radiant red radishes

(So did I, about the quahogs.)

Sylvester savors succulent scarlet strawberries.

Tina toils for those tiny, tan tubers

Umberto unpacks ugly umber umbrellas.

Velma vets volumes on violet Volvos

Wilma whiffs wonderful white wisteria. 

Xenia is (e)xcited over her Xerox of a xanthic xerophyte.

Yvette yanks yielding yellow yarrow.

Zachary is zeroing in on a zig-zagging zucchini zeppelin.

new cat. involves something you can hear:

Air horns are awful.

Brawling boys bray belligerently.

Clarence  chose the clarinet

Dozens of drummers drum a din. 




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