TBD on Ning

Posted ImageNTS in the ATTICPosted Image

In alphabetical order...
the*WHAT* and the *WHERE*
must begin with the same letter Posted Image

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Frieda finds fuschia flora.

Gregory grows glorious green grapes.

Holly hands her hyacinth hat to Heidi.

Inga invested intense interest in indigo illuminated "I"s.

Jill jogs joyfully in her jasmine jumper.

Kristen kicks kelly kickballs. 

Lily loves her lavender loofah.

Meshugenah Margaret makes mounds of magenta mashed murphys.

Nord knots his natty, navy necktie

I love the word "natty."

Ophelia offers Olive oval oatmeal oatcakes 

(Very  clever, that Olive thing)

Pretty Polly prefers the purple pansies.

Actually, I thought "Olive" was cheating as a color name, hence the "oatmeal oatcakes." 

Querulous Quentin questions quartz quahogs.




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