TBD on Ning

Posted ImageNTS in the ATTICPosted Image

In alphabetical order...
the*WHAT* and the *WHERE*
must begin with the same letter Posted Image

Views: 10416

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(That's good)

Sylvia sips strawberry soda through a straw silently.

Trimming trees too tightly tends to thwart thriving.

Ursula ululates her "U's" urgently.

"ululate"--great word.

Vincent vibrates vulgarly.

W - Willy whistles wildly.

X - Xena xerographed xenoglossically. (doesn't really make sense, but oh well)

Yanni yowls yippingly.

Zechariah zig-zags zanily.

New category:  include a color

Anne accepts amaranth Alstroemeria.

Bethany bakes blueberry biscuits.

Carmine carrots completely confuse Carmin. 

Dean delights in drinking dark dandelion drafts.

Everett eats every ecru eggplant. 




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