TBD on Ning

Please answer TRUE or FALSE to each

statement, then leave another one

for the next person, and I will begin with ~

You know how to eat


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You always wanted to do tile work (as in a bathroom) but never got around to learning all the professional ins-and-outs of it.

that's true

you havesomething special you use to make your houseplants thrive

Not really. Do you?

You like reality TV shows (NOT like "Big Brother," but shows about real people's lives)

Not really. Do you?

You like reality TV shows (NOT like "Big Brother," but shows about real people's lives)

(no, I was hoping you would tell me)

don't like that kind of  thing in real time. Prefer documentaries about dead people

you like historical fiction around time periods you find interesting


You like the way James Michener unfolds history from multiple perspectives. 

I actually forgot he did that, but I do like that kind of thing

jumping from one point of view to another, reveals more of the whole truth, in a work of fiction

I think it depends. I'd say generally yes, from the character's perspective; but, from the author's perspective, one character's truth may be all that's wanted (e.g., in Par Lagerkvist's "The Dwarf" or "Barabbas"). 

Your adore Tolkien's Lord of the Rings trilogy.

No. my hubby loved it. I never read it

You know how to say all those words in Jabberwocky

Haha, you know it!  " 'Twas brillig, and the slithy toves," etc.

You love e.e. cummings' poetry.


you believe that Shakespeare really wrote all the plays attributed to him, himself

Yup. I've read all the plays, and in my (vague) memory of them, they felt as if they had one voice. So, I'd say I believe that whoever wrote them, wrote them all--possibly with advice and editing from a trusted friend--and as far as I know there's no definitive proof it wasn't Shakespeare.

You're not fond of explaining yourself.




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