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  ~ Please think of a word that rhymes
     with the previously posted word, and
     then leave another word to be rhymed.
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     I will begin with...

  ~  computer 

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(yes, perfect)

needle, thread, thimble, pins, pinking shears,

pests: pants, jugs (either one of 2), alfreds, lock-poaches

ants, slugs, aphids (? ),cockroaches

African American science fiction/speculative fiction writers: Moravia Scuttler, Slam-you-well Defame-ye, Bora Pemmican

Octavia Butler, Samuel ...,Nora Jameson

I'm a fancy strudel candy, fancy  strudel, chew or sigh

(Delaney, Jemison)

I'm a Yankee Doodle Dandy, a Yankee Doodle do or die

Say Dude, won't make it sad; make a bad bong and bake it wetter

Hey, Jude, don't make it bad, take a sad song and make it better

on the floor:  slugs, piles, petroleum, marred-hood

rugs, tiles, linoleum, hardwood

Types of hardwood floors: whine, fairy, toke, curds-fly staple, far-bay

pine, cherry, oak, bird's eye maple, parquet


private, name unavailable, restricted ??  (I don't have caller ID, so I had to guess.)

Things you might call your significant other: beet-cart, wee-dove-bed, far-wing, beer-fest


("beer-fest," all right!)

sweetheart,beloved, darling, dearest

honest:  on the crate and barrow

(So sorry about the "beer fest" reality in your home, if I'm interpreting your comment correctly.)

on the straight and narrow (Good one!) 

(I'm guessing you might know these because of the "beer fest" comment)

Al-Anon acronyms (that's why I'll write them in all caps): VAULT (real acronym is 4 letters), BUTTS (4 letters), REHATCH (6 letters), DEAR (4 letters)

(If you aren't familiar with Al-Anon, then) dishonest: praying past the goose 

  I think Halt, and Detach, but I don't get the middle one

playing  fast and loose

Lincoln: with Alice accords done, with parity for Paul

BUTTS=NUTS (Not Using The Steps); DEAR=FEAR (False Evidence Appearing Real)

with malice toward none, with charity for all ツ

Harvey Milk:  pope will ever be pliant




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