TBD on Ning

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  ~ Please think of a word that rhymes
     with the previously posted word, and
     then leave another word to be rhymed.
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     I will begin with...

  ~  computer 

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My Old Man, A Case of You, Both Sides Now, Woodstock, ...,...

songs about air travel: Come  cry with me, come cry , come cry all day;  ply me with a spoon, and let me stay among the jars;  I'm pleasing, on a wet crane

(Cactus Tree, The Dawntreader)

Come fly with me, come fly, come fly away; fly me to the moon and let me play among the stars; I'm leaving on a jet plane

Types of apple: Tranny Myth, Bold-'n Nutritious, Funny-lisp, Leyla 

(I love Bold and Nutritious ☺)

Granny Smith, Golden Delicious, Honey Crisp, Gala

3 stooges:  Barry, Surly and Joe

Larry, Curly, and Moe

Things associated with Liberace: handle-sabra, tapes, wee-nano fling, glam-noyance

candelabra, capes, piano bling, flamboyance

take hiking:  beakers, one-cat, mottled daughter, monoculars

sneakers (?), sunhat, bottled water, binoculars

trail food: turkey, fried boot, beads and butts, frail hicks, fried wedgies, rehydrated minks

(I love the fried boot)

jerky, dried fruit, seeds and nuts, trail mix, dried veggies, dehydrated links

bridges:  Bookman, Grundon, Beans Barrow, Olden State, Plover stubbled Daughters

Brooklyn, London, ?, Golden State, over troubled waters 

(Queensborough, from Manhattan over the East River to Queens, NY)

dumb:  newness, Humpty-sledded,  bung-slide

(Ahhhhhh. What threw me off was "Barrow." The way I pronounce "borough" rhymes with "furrow." Probably my slightly English accent.) 

clueless, empty-headed, tongue-tied

without speech: boot, bay-tonic, bum, my-tent, choice-guess

mute, aphonic, dumb, silent, voiceless

let go:  tree, police, sieve, mousse-in

free, release, give (?), loosen(?)

sewing items: wheedle, dread, cymbal, sins, shrinking fears




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