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You know how to eat


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Haha, yup! College gourmet get-together.

You have made "grilled" cheese sandwiches using a hot iron.

true, also toasted bread to microwaved cheese

you have made those "ribbon"  sandwiches - 4 layers high, 3 different fillings, sliced into thin strips  - for special occasions

I have. My mother was English and we sometimes had elevenses or high-tea as a kid--I picked up the habit of making such sandwiches there. :>)

You were seldom served casseroles as a kid.

false. At school and at home, mac and cheese, beeferoni,  and scalloped potatoes  presented themselves frequently

you had your tea with milk and sugar,traditionally

True. Lemon only when I got older.

You love scalloped potatoes (which, I guess, I never thought of as a casserole--duh!)

absolutely (how did you know?)

your family  did the corned beef and cabbage thing more often than just one holiday

Not usually.

Your family had essentially the same meal for every Thanksgiving and Christmas.

yeah, basically, few changes

in your household, the pets ate as well as the people

Hmmmm. I'd say yes. They mostly ate expensive pet food, as all the vets indicated was best. If they were ill--depending on in which way--they'd either eat pet food made for that problem or something like ground chicken and rice.

Your pets were intensely loved and given what they needed (play, petting, exercise, etc.) to thrive.

yes. My mom bought and cooked fresh liver for the cats, which was a food that made her gag to smell it. Also, white albacore tuna!

your pets wore  little sweaters and jackets

My rescue dachshund Pup-pup (formal name "Selkie") did when she was ill, as did several ill cats--my mom knit incredible fair isle sweaters for them. :>)  Also, our first doberman, Strega, whom my mom got from a breeder (the rest were rescues), wore a makeshift rain bonnet to protect her newly cropped ears. I did try boots for freezing weather, but no one could keep 'em on.

You can't imagine life without animal companions.

that is true

fleas are evolving to thrive on most flea treatments




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