TBD on Ning

Please answer TRUE or FALSE to each

statement, then leave another one

for the next person, and I will begin with ~

You know how to eat


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you've "noticed" the white and gray interior design fad

nope. (really?)

you like to wear bright colors when it's cold

Yes, really.

I don't think I wear bright colors much.  Never thought about it.

You used to match your socks with your shirts/blouses.


you prefer a raincoat to an umbrella

false, unless I'm carrying 2 or 3 other things

they taught you HOMES in geography class, but they didn't teach you ROYGBIV in science

nope. I don't know either one

you know: Man Very Early Made a Jar Serving Useful Needs Perfectly

No!  But that may be the most useful one of the 3!  (So HOMES is Great Lakes and ROYGBIV is color spectrum.)

you know someone whose first and last names rhyme

(very interesting)

I don't believe I do

you know someone whose last name is a variation of the first, such as John Johnson


you have or know someone who has a bootjack


you know someone who uses saddle soap on their boots

false, at least I don't know what they use

you think that if it's good enough for Shakespeare, it's good enough for school (i.e. burnt, learnt, etc.)


you like to crack your own nuts by hand




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