TBD on Ning

...The Ranch's answer to you -know - what - with no rules.

Go ahead...tell us what you're having for dinner - we can't wait! Got a cute pic of kitty peeking out of a paper bag? Post it! We live for that stuff!

Math addict? How about a refresher on the Pythagorean Theorem?

Like macaroni and cheese? Tell us why!

So even if you're not a writer or a poet (yet), there's still plenty of fun things to do at the Armadillo!

Oh baby, oh baby!

Views: 7171

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Donald J. Trump

✔ @realDonaldTrump


6:35 PM - 9 Feb 2017


As Bugs Bunny would say, "What a maroon!"

Regarding National Security Adviser Michael Flynn’s inappropriate (and possibly illegal) communication with a Russian Ambassador prior to the inauguration regarding the lifting of U.S. sanctions, Flynn twice flatly denied that the subject ever came up.

However, his spokesperson indicated later that "while he had no recollection of discussing sanctions, he couldn't be certain that the topic never came up."


And now for something totally apolitical:  I fell down in 2013 and landed in such a way that the nose-piece of my glasses pushed into my nose and broke it.  I have had a lot of problems with congestion and vertigo ever since.   I was going to have it repaired right after I retired, but other things interfered, and now I’m supposed to have the surgery on Valentine’s Day. 

The ENT doctor insisted I get an EKG to make sure I wasn’t going to croak on the operating table.  It turned up abnormal.  I went to my primary care doctor on February 2, and he said that the EKG results were often indicative of a heart attack.  He didn’t think I’d had one, but he said that it would probably be wise if I got checked out by a cardiologist before the surgery.  He said he’d make the referral, and tell them that my surgery was the 14th and it should be done before then.  The cardiologist never called.

I went to the ENT doctor on February 8, and told him this tale.  He was concerned about the possible heart attack and said he’d call the cardiologist and stress that this was time sensitive.  That evening I experienced some chest discomfort and went to the ER on the chance that it might be a heart attack.  After only three hours, I was told that the EKG was inconclusive; the ER doctor didn’t think I’d had a heart attack either then or previously; and I should go home and follow up with my primary care doctor. 

On February 9 I called the primary care and asked to be called back.  No one called.  Shortly after, the cardiologist’s office called and said that someone would call me to make an appointment.  No one did.

So here I am, waiting for Monday when I can call the ENT doctor and tell him this long sad tale.  Depending on what he says, the surgery may be cancelled, and then I’ll have to go through the whole process again.  I am finding this somewhat stressful.

Carol! Wow! You seem to have fallen into a very deep crack...

So the cardiologist's office called to say that someone was going to call?

(Shakes head) Good Luck!

Oh, my lord! Dear heart, I hope this all gets cleared up.

Thank you both for the good wishes. 

Update:The ENT doctor called me this morning to say that he had discussed this with the anesthesiologist, who said he was okay with the surgery.  Then I told him about the visit to the ER, so he said he’d call the anesthesiologist back.  Apparently the EKG from the ER visit was different from the first batch of EKGs, so the anesthesiologist said he’d prefer not to go ahead with the surgery until I have had clearance from the cardiologist.  The ENT doctor said he couldn't believe that the cardiologist had never made an appointment, and said he will call their office himself and read them the riot act.  So we'll see if they actually call.


Oy, indeed!  The cardiologist did call, and I have an appointment for a consultation on Wednesday.

What time? I want to be there,,,he's got some 'splainin' to do....grrrrr.

Okay, so the cardiologist gave me yet another EKG (that's five in the last two weeks) and said he couldn't find any real evidence that I'd had a heart attack.  He set up an appointment for me to get an echo-cardiogram in five weeks so he can figure out what's up with all those abnormal EKGs.

Fingers crossed.




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