TBD on Ning

...The Ranch's answer to you -know - what - with no rules.

Go ahead...tell us what you're having for dinner - we can't wait! Got a cute pic of kitty peeking out of a paper bag? Post it! We live for that stuff!

Math addict? How about a refresher on the Pythagorean Theorem?

Like macaroni and cheese? Tell us why!

So even if you're not a writer or a poet (yet), there's still plenty of fun things to do at the Armadillo!

Oh baby, oh baby!

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The problem with that statement is that the vast majority of Donald McRonald supporters cannot define  the word "rhetorical" and are left only with "bloodbath".

Fact check: Our researchers (as usual) are at a loss to discover anything resembling a fact in any of Bmichael's continuous ramblings. They would like to point out, however that he is an excellent speller.

Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening by Donald Trump

I have a pretty good idea whose woods these are, believe me.
And let me tell you something, my people say he’s a complete nobody.
This guy lives in the village. So what if he sees me stopping here?
I dare him to sue me! I dare him!

And by the way, this snow is pathetic.
These are by far, the least downy flakes ever!
I hear they had to import them from Canada.
I don’t know. Maybe they did. Maybe they didn’t. We’re looking into it.

My horse – he’s the most incredible horse, seriously,
I have the greatest, the classiest horses –
My horse doesn’t even know what the hell we’re doing here.
The horses love me though. They do.
They’re always shaking their bells at me, it’s very loving.
It’s a beautiful thing.

Let me tell you something, these woods are an embarrassment.
They’re not dark. They’re not deep. They’re nothing. They’re for losers.
And I cannot wait to sue this guy.
I cannot wait to sue this guy.


Ohhhhh...I don't know, I don't know....funny!

So funny Carol. I've missed a lot by not dropping by here sooner.

(Did you see, Michael Moore wrote an open letter to Ivanka in some biz magazine, Business Digest, or something, got reprinted in AlterNet, online. Snarky, but heartfelt too.

This just in…

If the election were held today, Clinton would win in a landslide of 2008 proportions. She has solidified her leads in key battleground states and crosses the threshold of 270 electoral votes needed to win the White House in the NPR Battleground Map with just states where she already has a significant lead.

Fact Check: For the first time, B appears to have published something factual. However, the researchers would like to point out that he copied this nearly word for word from the NPR website.

If you're going to copy from someone, NPR is the way to go. :-D

Ok…I get it…so Donald McRonald appears to be changing his tactics – figuring that if he starts being a little nicer, then we will all start liking him, and vote for him.

Wow! I know that plan will work for me. I’ll quickly forget all of the mean, crazy, uninformed, stupid, ridiculous, and hateful things he said in the past and he’ll be my new best friend.

Gee…I wonder where I can get a poster of him for my room?

But, meanwhile, he hired a new campaign director who is known as a “street fighter” (yawn) who will propel McRonald to the White House! Yay new guy! Kick butt, but nicely, please.

Also, his running mate, Mike Pence, is complaining that the press is not being fair…that they are focused on everything that McRonald says and ignoring Clinton’s record.


C’mon, Mike…leave the whining to McRonald. He’s much better at it.

Still wondering about his taxes…and so is the New York Times.


Aww…how sweet…except regretting isn’t apologizing …and in this case may be even alienating some of your staunchest supporters.

You know, the ones who think you’re tough, single minded, and the answer their problems, must be shaking their heads by now.

To the rest, the harsh words of the past won’t be tempered by smoke and mirrors. They are yours, and yours alone and will not be erased by a new speech writer.

I am reminded of the behavior of a child that shows “regret” for stealing cookies…but only after the threat of “no more future cookies” is realized.

Too little, too late…too transparent, and too fake… your path to self-destruction continues.


Donald McRonald is a D---Head.

[citation needed]

maybe his fake doctor can write a fake letter attesting to that fact




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