TBD on Ning

Mercy, tried to post at midnight but was told I was not a member! Had to rejoin!!!
Anyway, Yikes, it’s December already! So much to do and so little time to curl up with a book.

Today I picked up Kate Morton’s THE LAKE HOUSE, Robert Crais’s THE PROMISE and Allen Eskens’s THE LIFE WE BURY.

Still doctoring upper respiratory viruses here so may have to do some skimming. BTW, I thoroughly enjoyed David Baldacci’s THE GUILTY.

Anything good on your plate?

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It is absolutely scary that some Americans, who seem to be our neighbors and living the American dream, are taken by this radical Islamic message of jihad and doing great harm to their fellow citizens in a retribution for some injustice that most can't even relate to.  When 9/11 happened I immediately signed up to spend a weekend in a mosque in West Palm Beach here in Florida to learn the basics of the religion and meet folks who practiced a different belief system than mine.  They were good people. They meant me no harm.  There are over 1 billion of them in the world.  But just like the Christians who want to blow up or kill people at abortion clinics, the jihadist are fanatics. I have traveled extensively in the Middle East and found no hatred in places like Egypt, Turkey, Morocco, Algeria,Tunisia or small Muslin communities in both Russia and China. But the radical form of Islam needs to be defeated and eradicated, as we did the Shinto religion in Japan after WWII.  The world cannot allow this form of Allah worship to continue.  It is wrong!  It is evil! It sound like something out out of the Spanish Inquisition, or a Donald Trump speech.  

Grammer Sue, I  think that is what Mandy was trying to say, that is, don't lump the fanatics in with the   true believers  whether they are Christian  or  Muslim.

I certainly didn't mean to imply that all Christians want to blow up abortion clinics.  I am a Roman Catholic, a religion vehemently opposed to abortion, but I had to visit abortion clinics in my job as a Health Care Manager, as our master contract negotiated with unions provided for abortion services.   In fact, one of the clinics I visited was later attacked by a fanatic who killed the director.  As a Catholic you obey the commandment "Thy Shall Not Kill" and render unto Caesar what is Caesar's. You obey America's laws and the requirements of your job (unless you're a clerk in Kentucky).   

Ursula......yes, that was my understanding as well.

No problem.  I too am shaken by the terror. 

"Go Set a Watchman" by Harper Lee was written in the 50s during the civil right fight in Alabama.  Scout goes home at age 26 and find a different place that she imagined as a young girl. She is disgusted by her observations, as the title suggests she is the watchman.  The title comes from Isaiah 21:6: "For thus hath the Lord said unto me, Go, set a watchman, let him declare what he seeth."  Lot of the book is simplistic and disjointed, as it is an old original manuscript.  But if you are familiar with the story in "To Kill a Mockingbird" it is like coming home to meet the characters about 15 year later.  It's a quick read. 

sounds good.

Has anyone read any of Christian Jungersen's books?  Just finished The Exception - started out not liking it very much.  First few chapters loaded with actual genocide events.  Very surprised at the concept of so many.  Wrong time of year to be reading it.  Supposed to be full of good will.  Did finish and liked the storyline well enough to order a second book of his.  He is a Danish writer -now lives between New York and Dublin, Ireland.  I like reading about other countries settings in books.  Followed this one with Justice, a book by Karen Robards - lot less killings.  Hope everyone stays well and the weather is good in your parts.

I think about that poor child who was left by his parents at Grandma's house - just what will he feel like when he is old enough to realize what his parents did and how they deserted him to die as they did.  So sorry for him.

I am not familiar with this author but I am in the midst of an author from nearby Sweden, Camilla Lackberg, and her recently released psychological thriller, "The Stone Cutter." There are quite a few Scandinavian authors popular in the USA.  Of course, "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo" and the follow on books hit the top of the charts.  This story takes place in a small seaside community where a young girl is found dead by the fishermen.  An autopsy revels foul play and a police investigation turns up a web of dysfunctional suspects. 

I got this crazy message: "You are no longer following this group forum discussion. You can update your email preferences on the Email Settings page."  What's that all about? There was nothing on my E-Mail page that indicated any change and I got the last two discussions post in my E-Mail.  Is this web site falling apart?   

I don't know how the Third World War will be fought, but I can tell you what they will use in the Fourth -- rocks.

Albert Einstein

So starts "The Einstein Prophesy" by Masello as it looks into the past and the future to determine the destiny of man. It has been called Indiana Jones meets Einstein.  

Posts have been relatively quiet of late.  Must be everybody doing Christmas shopping.  I'm staying at home and buying everything from Amazon this year.  Lot less hassle doing that. I still haven't seen any drones delivering my packages. 

Mandy,  I also have noticed less chatter on our site recently...  hope that's only temporary.  I read all the posts about the shootings and while I agree with most of what was said, I find it sad that our book site has become a discussion forum for those activities.  Seems that's all you hear on the media and now it has invaded our site.

I finished The Guise of Another.  Allen Eskens sure knows how to weave a compelling tale with a surprising ending.  Hope he writes another soon.

I've just started A Song for Issy Bradley by Carys Bray.  I think this is going to be a sad book and I'm not sure I'm in the mood for that right now... I'll keep you informed as it goes along.

DH grabbed The Guilty when I came home from the library with it...  lol  Now I have to wait for him to finish it so I can read it next.  It's a big book and he's usually a slow reader but seems to be clipping right along in this one so I guess it's a good read.




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