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What have you been putting off?

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getting sh*t-faced

:D ! 

My answer: having a life instead of trying to deal with my late mom's estate.  (Helpful hint:  don't leave anything to your kids, no bills, no $$, nothing.)

you are absolutely right.

Thanks, flipper; I've shocked some people when I say that, but like I told someone today, seems like the more you leave your heirs, the more they're gonna have to deal with lawyers, tax man, etc., ugh.

I'm suppose to have a garage sale with some friends at my house.  I can't seem to get motivated to do it.

Trim the back garden, fix the front porch light, fix the other front light, finish the rear deck carpeting. 

It's only been a year  :0(

Going to the dentist.

I went ~last month; your turn.

When I was a kid I had a dentist who looked exactly like Bela Lugosi. When he looked into my mouth with that leer he scared the snot out of me. (Replace the "no" with "hi")


I've always thought getting a haircut was a waste of time and money. Been doing my own for years.

Of course there are some that probably think I look like sh*t.





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