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Do you know the #1 deficiency damaging your brain?

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oxygen ?

Probably gonna have to check the "Select all that apply" box for this one.  Ha.

I hope it's not chocolate ...

Each day getting a little older.

fox tv and the right wing?

I read, and believed, that a deficiency in B12 is the answer. That is why I ordered some of it just last month. (pssst....sure hope it works)

Like religion, if it helps YOU, it works.

Dang LLL, that was awfully diplomatic of ya...lol.

I am a firm believer ... that religion can be a good thing. And I am jealous of the sense of tradition and community.

But as much as I have tried, I just can not get into it, I have never been able to "believe"  in that stuff myself.  Sorry ...

Oh my...the written word has failed me. I thought you were being tongue in cheek, and saying that my B12 answer was not really the correct answer. I have been waiting with baited breath to see what was the real answer before I lose all my cognitive senses and wind up under the bridge twiddling my thumbs....lol. Though I pray and believe in a higher power, I am afraid I cannot get into organized religion either LLL. I believe in a spiritual world and existence, but I see so much hypocrisy in the world of religion, that my relationship with God will always be just between he an I. Nothing to be sorry for LLL. I especially think of going to church during holidays.....but that in itself is hypocritical as I have studied about the origins of many of these customs and have found them to have many a corrupt idea. Shoot me though, I love Christmas and the opportunity to draw close with my family and do some good things for other people. I just try to lead as good a life as I can and do no harm, always leading with love, truth and as much wisdom as I can summon in my humble way. sooooo, what is the answer LLL....lol, The bridge is right over there and my thumbs are twitching...

In spite of being atheist, I love Christmas as much or more than anyone LOL ... 

It's a great idea, even sans the mythology.

Yep, nothing wrong with a winter festival as far as I'm concerned.




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