TBD on Ning

...The Ranch's answer to you -know - what - with no rules.

Go ahead...tell us what you're having for dinner - we can't wait! Got a cute pic of kitty peeking out of a paper bag? Post it! We live for that stuff!

Math addict? How about a refresher on the Pythagorean Theorem?

Like macaroni and cheese? Tell us why!

So even if you're not a writer or a poet (yet), there's still plenty of fun things to do at the Armadillo!

Oh baby, oh baby!

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One of my best friends (she was my labor coach when my daughter was born) had the misfortune to become a widow yesterday.  I am trying to be there for her, but I haven't fully recovered from this spring/summer/fall yet and it just seems like so much effort. 

The persistent winter weather does not make it easier, either.  Last night I went to stay with her until her son came to spend the night.  Her doorbell isn't working because it requires a special battery that her husband was going to buy, so I had to climb up the stairs that have not been shoveled all winter and maneuver up the ice-covered stairs between the dripping icicles to get to the door where she might actually hear me if I pounded long enough.  At one point I slipped and landed on my hands and knees in a snowbank.  She seemed glad to see me, though.

You're a good friend, Carol! What a mess this winter has been -- adding to your friend's grief, I am sure.

"I love the change of seasons." Bah!

Ok…so it rained steadily for the past 18 hours with temps in the mid 50s…which finally melted all the remaining snow from last week…creating flash flood warnings…until the temps dropped below freezing which turned everything to ice…and the rain is now snow (oh baby, oh baby!) which is piling up on top of the ice.

At great personal risk, I made it back just in time with emergency survival provisions – beer, wine, nachos, bird seed, squirrel corn, and mechanical pencil leads (just in case, ya know?), and I am braced, steadfast and stoic against the onslaught.

Tomorrow is gonna be a great picture day!

(Oh, by the way, if you like good jazz (and who doesn’t?) check out jazzgroove.com. It’s free. No commercials…and awesome!)

And people will think you’re sophisticated…just like me!


OK, so you win. We just have snow, snow, snow and more snow. Beautiful! And bah!

[and he remains steadfast and stoic...in the face of certain DOME!]

From his new best friend...

“Girls do not dress for boys. They dress for themselves and, of course, each other. If girls dressed for boys they’d just walk around naked“

Truer words were never spoked.

Still Domed and stoic. (after all these years)

If I walked around naked today I'd freeze to death! 8 inches and counting .... bah! (But stoic.)

Anybody writing anything? I got a direct mail package for Discover in the mail yesterday that was written in the old-timey style of a sleazy "you cannot be turned down" insurance pitch. Plastic card on the letter (so you had to open it to make sure it wasn't a credit card re-issue), "handwritten notes" in the margins of the letter, cornball photos, implausible promises -- gotta love it and wonder if anyone at all still replies to sleaze ....

Yeah…I’m trying my hand at Mommy Porn…inappropriate for this site…jajaja! (However, if you send me a SASE, along with 19.95…)

Junk mail? Sure…I get it all the time from AAA – various insurance plans, upgrades, etc. In fact, I get so much, I figured they could probably lower their rates significantly by not  sending it.

And then it occurred to me that the reason they keep sending it is because it is successful – that folks are responding to it. Oy!

While this winter weather continues to plague us (‘cept Westerly), I am reminded of a poem I wrote some time ago and will reprint here.


Winter Nocturne


Sleep soundly, old forest

O’er long winter’s night

In snow clad pajamas

That aren’t too tight


Across your cold floor

Autumn leaves dot your dirt

Like the grapeness of jelly

On the front of my shirt


How long…oh how long

How long must we waits

Spring’s welcome reprieve

From these dire straits?


Not long,  I so hope

With an eye to the sky

Lamenting our luck

‘Cause this really suck.



Thanks for the laugh!

And yes, people do respond to "junk mail" (I once had a creative director who called himself "the junk mail man") and 2% percent response used to be considered outstanding. Now it's closer to .02% ... which begs the question:

Why send it at all? Why, so Marilyn will have a job, that's why! Jajajajaja! Ooooh baybee ....

I have discovered that the junk mail follows you even after death.

Inspired by Bmichael's ode above, I offer these words of wisdom from other famous writers:

“Don’t judge each day by the harvest you reap, but by the seeds you plant.”  Robert Louis Stevenson

“If you have good thoughts they will shine out of your face like sunbeams and you will always look lovely.”   Roald Dahl

“Write it on your heart that every day is the best day in the year.”    Ralph Waldo Emerson

“I’ve had a lot of worries in my life, most of which never happened.”      Mark Twain

Nods his head in agreement with Mark Twain.




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