TBD on Ning

I went to sign into TBD and found my profile with my actual name, city etc and my TBD activities listed for all the world to see on NING. On my page there is a little link to TBD. I have since selected for privacy but it still shows name and city or else I guess we do not have the TBD page??? Does anyone know? I could not figure out why my page had changed and my pic and sedona background wasn't there...NING has lots of interesting groups however I did not realize I was setting up a double profile. In case anyone else did not realize this, I thought I would pass it on to check...maybe I'm just slow and don't use this enough. Thanks,

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I had a question from a few on this. Sorry if I was confusing...I was Not referring to the Old TeeBeeDee Site.

NING, when we signed up for TBD, set us up with a profile and social network additional to the TBD.ning.

My picture did not load up next to my name, but my profile info and my TBD activities were listed because I did not know I had TWO profiles. My picture was next to my comments... I had to set up the privacy boundaries on it the same as I have on the TBD.ning page. Unfortunately, I did not figure out how to change my name to a pseudo. If you are successful in doing that, please let me know. I would prefer to choose who I give information to... So if you have not double checked, OR did not know when you signed up for TBD here at NING, look yourself up on the NING site...and select whatever settings you want. I deleted my activities etc. My mom and I have been scammed before...someone took over her whole email and requested money so I am cautious. Once your settings are in place your messages will not be transparent, just set whatever boundaries you want if you haven't already! This is just an fyi
Unfortunately, I can't even find my profile. Looks to me like you only see your profile once, when you first sign up on Ning.
Sodona7 - I did not know this!!=( Thanks for sending the infor on! Keith O.
Hi I just noticed this..and if you just type in www.ning.com in your address box...it will take you to the profile if you don't sign out of teebeedee. you can change the privacy settings there.
Just FYI!




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