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Did you remember to RABBIT RABBIT RABBIT?

There are some good reads out there. Have you found any that really grab you? I'm still enthralled with Thomas Christopher Greene's riveting psychological novel THE HEADMASTER'S WIFE. Next up is Sandra Brown's MEAN STREAK.

Happy reading to all!

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Just started on the story this AM.  It deals with a young lady who has congenital cataracts which make her blind (interesting as I just got mine operated on in the past couple of years).  She is French and the male counterpart is a German soldier.  My marriage is French and German heritage. So there are two hooks for me right from the start.  We go back a few years when they were children in the pre-WWII Europe.  It looks like an exiting voyage from then to the opening scene, where they both were in a French coastal city that was being bombed shortly after D-Day.  Now all they have to do is to fall in love then agree to meet on a given day at the Eiffel Tower and we will have a classic love story. (Just kidding.) 

SLOPOK, please put John Sandford's new DEADLINE on your reserve list. This is a Virgil Flowers story taking place in Minnesota. Story starts off with a dognapping (think of Zook) and then works in a murder. Good read and Sandford does incorporate some chuckles!! I think this will fill your bill!

Thanks Rapa, I'm a John Sandford fan......Lost Zook last year, one of the toughest days to go through...Decided not to get another pet for a while.

Slopok, The Zook left you with lots of good memories of your adventures together. He had a good life!

Rapa: saw your post, went to my libra

FLOWERGRAM!!! Mckinty's blog...got it and forward the link to my email account so I can enjoy reading while having morning coffee!!! Almost can't wait!~ct

Went to a library in another city on Thrus for their semi-annual "What to Read Next"

very interesting,got lots of idea

Am currently devouring Jodi Picoult's new LEAVING TIME! Am learning much about elephants and elephant sanctuaries. Enjoying Picoult's format of devoting each chapter to a separate character, each of whom I care about. Hope you enjoy this story as much as I do.

That was one of the books that they talked about at the  district book club on Sat, right at the top of the list.

I believe that one of the most pleasurable things to happen to any devoted reader is to discover a new author that you thoroughly enjoy. And it is especially good when you see that this author has  written several other books. That has just happened to me (again, since it is certainly not the first time) as I approach the end of a novel by Peter Robinson. The title is Children of the Revolution, which is probably his latest. Has anyone else read anything by him?

It is a crime novel, but I think a particularly well written one of that genre. The plot is somewhat more intricate than most and the characters are well developed-not at all one dimensional. You (at least I did) care about them. The leading character is Detective Chief Inspector Alan Banks. As you can tell by his title, he is English and the stories take place in England. I highly recommend this author; I certainly will be reading more of his titles.

LORUACH ...documented the Peter Robinson

FLOWER...reading/listen to Hidden River. The first book in many, many years I was emotional...gasping and near tears.

On his blog he recommend "THE ART OF FIELDING"~Chad Harbach... Now I not read yet and you know me..."Negative Nellie" so we shall see.

I did check out a PLAYAWAY of Micahel Koryta...how engrossed I will be.?..listening while having my 2nd trip to Dentist for more excavations and hammer of steel implants into skull! Lol. Lots of nitrous oxide which sometimes "blanks me out" sometimes gives me a "religious conversion!"

Carolyn, my dentist uses a different approach, a therapy dog called Remy that he rescued from the pound.

It does really work to relieve anxiety






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