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Did you remember to RABBIT RABBIT RABBIT?

There are some good reads out there. Have you found any that really grab you? I'm still enthralled with Thomas Christopher Greene's riveting psychological novel THE HEADMASTER'S WIFE. Next up is Sandra Brown's MEAN STREAK.

Happy reading to all!

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Will have to check out the Greene book. Not familiar with his books. Thanks.
CARCI...I have "Windigo Island" on my must listen action!!! I am saving it until next week when I am "down and out" with dental implants.

Glenda...every trip to Library I see JoJo' Moyes book on the shelf being turned in...very popular.

I just finished "We Are Not Ourselves" by Matthew Thomas. 18 discs. Really long and must admit I blew through the the last 3 discs. ...moment
WINDIGO ISLAND......excellent!!!!! Enjoy!! Stock up on Popsicles for next week!!!!!!!
Okay I uploaded the OS2 Apple update and now my iPad works terrible! Spending time this Sunday with Guru to help me figure out the new ...and I say that with tongue in cheek version.

Sooo the book I was trying to share...it is story of family that the husband is diagnosed at age 54 with Alzheimer's. It was focused on the woman and since written by a man...very unique, moving and can I say...what a Hell of a lifestyle to be faced with that. Amazing. First book by Author. Seldom read anything except mysteries but glad I made the adventure.

Ok now my system is allowing me to post to the "little box"??? ACK! Where is AOL when you need it?

It is after 5:00 so must get some refreshment!!! My iPad is driving me to drink???~carolyn t
Whew, I didn't upload the new Apple update on my iPad and now glad I didn't!
MLO, if you liked WE ARE NOT OURSELVES, bet you'd like THE HEADMASTER'S WIFE by Greene. It's an excellent psychological novel. I don't do audio so can only recommend the written word.

Listening to, The Frontiersmen, by Allan W. Ecket, a historically correct dramatization. As the weather cools and the outside work diminishes my audio books usage will decrease, although I do like to harvest venison in the fall and winter and on occasion I will listen to a book while sitting quietly in the woods. Here is a brief description of the book:

The frontiersmen were a remarkable breed of men. They were often rough and illiterate, sometimes brutal and vicious, often seeking an escape in the wilderness of mid-America from crimes committed back east. In the beautiful but deadly country which would one day come to be known as West Virginia, Kentucky, Michigan, Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois, more often than not they left their bones to bleach beside forest paths or on the banks of the Ohio River, victims of Indians who claimed the vast virgin territory and strove to turn back the growing tide of whites. These frontiersmen are the subjects of Allan Eckert's dramatic history.
Against the background of such names as George Rogers Clark, Daniel Boone, Arthur St. Clair, Anthony Wayne, Simon Girty and William Henry Harrison, Eckert has recreated the life of one of America's most outstanding heroes, Simon Kenton. Kenton's role in opening the Northwest Territory to settlement more than rivaled that of his friend Daniel Boone. By his eighteenth birthday, Kenton had already won frontier renown as woodsman, fighter and scout. His incredible physical strength and endurance, his great dignity and innate kindness made him the ideal prototype of the frontier hero.

Yet there is another story to The Frontiersmen. It is equally the story of one of history's greatest leaders, whose misfortune was to be born to a doomed cause and a dying race. Tecumseh, the brilliant Shawnee chief, welded together by the sheer force of his intellect and charisma an incredible Indian confederacy that came desperately close to breaking the thrust of the white man's westward expansion. Like Kenton, Tecumseh was the paragon of his people's virtues, and the story of his life, in Allan Eckert's hands, reveals most profoundly the grandeur and the tragedy of the American Indian.

No less importantly, The Frontiersmen is the story of wilderness America itself, its penetration and settlement, and it is Eckert's particular grace to be able to evoke life and meaning from the raw facts of this story. In The Frontiersmen not only do we care about our long-forgotten fathers, we live again with them.

Researched for seven years, The Frontiersmen is the first in Mr. Eckert's "The Winning of America" series.

Slopok,  Thanks for this recommendation.  Jerry is having open back surgery next week and will have months of recuperation time for reading.  This is his favorite type of book so I know he will enjoy it. 


I recently finished Paw and Order by Spencer Quinn.  Enjoyed it, as I always do, those Chet and Bernie stories. After that, I started something called Snowblind by Christopher Golden and Be Careful What You Wish For by Jeffrey Archer. I couldn’t get far with either one and abandoned both after about 30 or 40 pages.

LORUACH...I have tried to read Archer before...as he is so renowned. But, agree...he is trapped in some sort of intellectual spin?

SLOPOK...Frontiersmen...I will share with Dan'l as this sounds like serious "survival" action. I mean since historical without all the new contrivances for purifying water, crank type emergency sirens and other inventions in past 50 years.

CARCI/RAPA. ....OKAY couldn't wait! Started Windingo Island night before last...getting very, very ingrossing noes for sure!!! Wish I knew more about the geography of the area! We need to go camping up there in Minnesota!

RAPA...The Headmaster's Wife...I will jump over to on-line Library "place on hold" list to order. Kinda scary? Always seems like I have more "Bookoholics...What I Don't Like" on my list...LOL

Checked out a Phillip Margolin's book and who does he write for? Very crass...and I'm "open-minded" but REALLY??? Any comments on his books?
Oh...one more thing....moment...gotta double check Title/Author
MLO, read the Amazon reviews before reading THE HEADMASTER'S WIFE.

In college I majored in psychology, later worked as psychiatric nurse and also spent two years as nurse at a private east coast boarding school prior to relocating to Texas. Ergo, could really relate to this story. This was one of the best books I've read lately with memorable prose. Would be a terrific read for a book club! This is NOT chick lit!
"Death at the Door" ~ Carolyn Hart

I order this on PLAYAWAY ...tuck into Tunebelt when I got to Dentist on Monday. For long procedures I always take an AudioBook to distract me, drown out drill noise, banging of instruments, etc. (My guy also has vibrating massage machine and pillow like for airline comfort...Jes' say'n). So am hoping that I won't GAG over dialog on this book and make me more grumpy than than the dang appointment.

Anyone read this Author?
Doubt you'll gag but you won't chuckle! Sounds like your dentist has some great relaxing toys! ;)




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