TBD on Ning

We've home now from Scott and White Hospital in Temple, TX, where hubby received a procedure to help him heal and regain strength. Our son flew down from Utah to transport us and to help us for a week. We refer to this as our vacation as we did travel and got to spend a couple nights at the Hilton Garden Inn. At least I did! Didn't take a book as really no time to read. Fortunately two books on my reserve list are almost down to my turn. I think they are: WINNER TAKE ALL and ALL FALL DOWN. Did I tell you how much I enjoyed THE MATCHMAKER prior to our trip? Excellent summer read! Am not yet ready ro strain the brain!

What are you doing this summer?

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After Auschwitz: A Story of Heartbreak and Survival by the Stepsister of Anne Frank

This summer has really flown by, hasn't it? Besides the usual race to have my new fall selections ready for print, I've had sort of a mini vacation in July ... two weeks in the hospital. It's been a slow recovery, but I'm about as close to 100% as I'm likely to get, so back to work! LOL! On the up side, at least I had time to do some reading! LOL! Found a few old books at a yard sale a few months back, and finally had time to read them. I found a new (to me,) author that I hadn't heard of, Terry Kay. The Valley of Light was a definite stroll back in time to when soldiers, wounded physically and emotionally came back from the War, (1948) and tried to pick up the pieces of their lives. Some could, but as is always the case, some couldn't... I think I'm going to look around for some of his other books and see if I enjoy them as much.

Did you have to miss Writer's camp???? Good to hear you're on the road to recovery and are feeling better. Wishing you a more comfortable fall.....one day at a time is my motto!

Yes, I couldn't sit up at my computer longer than a few minutes at a time. It's ok tho, there'll bet the big event in November. Book 3 in my Sci-fi series if all goes well! LOL!

Hello folks....Sorry about my long absence I've been checking the site every month or two, just haven't had much to contribute....I going to to better.

I'm reading, Flowers From Berlin, by Noel Hynd, it's a realistic espionage novel starting pre WWII.

The summer has been mostly yard work and home maintenance. Looking forward to football season.

Good to hear from you, Slopok!!!! We've missed you!

Nice to see everyone chatting again.

We are up north for 3 weeks and as usual my wifi connection is spotty...  also having some problems with my computer which I hope my SOL will be able to fix when he and DE come up next weekend.

I've been reading some of David Rosenfelt's books that I missed along the way... 2 Andy Carpenter ones and one that was like an episode of the Twilight Zone, but it had a believable ending. 

Now I am on a RD condensed book collection of Kristin Hannan's chick lit novels...  enjoyable for mid summer but not much meat in them.  Ive never read RD condensed books before and they seem quite complete... not sure what they cut out that could have added anything to the stories.

Carci, I love R.D. books. I've discovered so many wonderful authors that way. My dad got me hooked on them way back in grade school... LOL! That's where I first found Michner's stories. Once I find an author that interests me, I go looking for more of their books ... LOL!

Today I picked up BIG LITTLE LIES BY Liane Moriarty, the author of THE HUSBAND'S SECRET. This book has been getting lots of press lately and looks like a fast read. Any of you read it yet?

I read "The Husband's Secret" last year and liked the book.  I like anything Australian anyway. 

We read two of Kristen Hannahs books in our book clubs this year. Really liked them.

I just finished, Flowers From Berlin, by Noel Hynd. $3.99 on my Kindle. Amazon rated 4 1/2 stars

and I agree, it was a very good read:






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