TBD on Ning

...The Ranch's answer to you -know - what - with no rules.

Go ahead...tell us what you're having for dinner - we can't wait! Got a cute pic of kitty peeking out of a paper bag? Post it! We live for that stuff!

Math addict? How about a refresher on the Pythagorean Theorem?

Like macaroni and cheese? Tell us why!

So even if you're not a writer or a poet (yet), there's still plenty of fun things to do at the Armadillo!

Oh baby, oh baby!

Views: 7177

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OK, so "the call" finally came. After 3 months of sloth, I get to go baaaa-aaaack to work, cranking out financial ad copy for Bank of America. Yay?

On the other hand, we are headed for a fishing trip to Alaska on Saturday. Yaaaaaaay!

The second Yaaaaay was a louder yay. Salmon?

Yes, yaaaaaay, salmon, halibut, more salmon, trout, more salmon. 6 different fishing excursions, one by float plane. Yaaaaaaaay!

And thanks fer askin'!


Am baaa-aaack from Alaska, which was a rip-roaring adventure (took 2 weeks to recover) and now also baaa-aaack at the baaaa-aaaank, which is an adventure in itself (don't ask).

How's trix?

Glad you had fun, seeing as how it's being followed by not having so much fun anymore. I was just going to ask the assembled multitudes on here why some people evoke certain reactions in most people who meet them.

To wit: we have a friend, really nice guy, friendly, good-hearted, whom we can only take so much of. I'm not sure why. He's like a muddy puppy who wants to jump on you. He shows up without calling first, while you may be napping or in the shower, smiling and waving in the window. "Hi, it's me, B----." And you groan inwardly. He's the type of guy who accidentally pours salt instead of sugar into his iced tea, and spits it out of his mouth and into the sink, and then yuks at himself, shaking his head. His socks may be mismatched too. Why is this so annoying? It's not just me. I see many eyebrows being raised and heads shaken.

Hahaha…I’ve got one at work…different drummer… also a nice guy…full grown man… late thirties…knows everything!...very opinionated on children’s breakfast cereals…eats only at McDonald’s… favorite food is Reese’s cups…wears a t-shirt under a polo shirt…cannot speak softly…can instantly recall pages of dialogue from nearly every movie ever made…likes video games…guns… monopolizes the conversation,  technically competent, but is conspicuously unable to master the art of flushing a urinal…training is in progress…


Both of you have terrific characters for your next works of fiction!

Not my usual fare...no one gets hit, punched, kicked, stabbed, or shot...but it's kinda cool.


Just out of curiosity: the yummy food photo above? real larvae or photo-shopped foolers?




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