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What's the most fun thing you did this past week?

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Had a birthday BBQ here, we laughed a lot.


Tailgated and ate brats and drank beer before a ball   game on my birthday.

Went ahead & fired that lawyer (see prev. reply above) today.  Now I got another one to meet with & see if I can get him to do anything.  Can't say I had fun doing it--is anything about lawyers fun, I don't think so--but I hope maybe now I can move on and get somewhere with settling this estate; my mom passed away nearly 2 yrs. ago for crying out loud.

Last week was fun , this week not so much.  My 25 yr. old son fractured his tibia and broke his ankle.  They ran a CT scan and want to do a MRI,  because my son once had surgery to repair a hole in his heart they cannot do the MRI until they know that the coil has dissolved.   Anyways , the reason for all the tests , they want to make sure he does not have an underlying issue.  It's kind of odd for a very healthy kid to do this type of damage from tripping over a curb.  So he has moved back home for a least 3 months.   Climbing steps is almost impossible for him,  so my husband is giving up his office on the main floor and moving it to the bedroom.  We have been moving furniture all week.  Next week everything will be better.

Beth broke the middle toe of her left foot. Last 3 days been trying to keep the swelling and pain down to a dull roar. We got to stop walking around at night without turning the lights on.

that doesn't sound like a whole lotta fun,unless,well some people are into that.i remember,one time,i had to pay this hooker extra for...um.nevermind.

The flying chandelier position?

it called a footjob,i think.




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