TBD on Ning

Posted ImageNTS in the ATTICPosted Image

In alphabetical order...
the*WHAT* and the *WHERE*
must begin with the same letter Posted Image

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Choo-Choo Charlie Chugged to China

Dozens of dough-balls got dropped off at Dominoes

Eleven erie elves eating eggs in England

Fine in France

Greedy gobblers gnoshing on gnocchi in Goshen

Hot headed heathens having habaneros.

Irate insects irritating islanders in Ireland

Jumpin' Jellybeans Join the Jamboroo

Kibitzing Kings wearing kimonos, while knocking down kumquats, and klutzy knights wearing knickers, while kicking kolaches, were kissing keesters in Kalamazoo.

(Hahahahaha. Some of us have a lot of time on our hands?)

Lavish lotharios  loving languid ladies lounging longingly, and loopy louts largely lacking in looks,  in Lafayette. Louisiana

Mild-Mannered Monkeys Might Make Money,Millions Maybe.

@ Westerly, Yes, on occasion, I spend too much time on the computer.




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