TBD on Ning

I heard this question on the radio last night and found the answers interesting.

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I never knew I had a bad heart and now, I've got a new one  :)

Not sure how you found out, just glad it has worked out well for you.

I kind of just like ... stopped.  Not the heart, me lol ...

I have two things.....1). That I have a genetic proclivity to blood clots, and 2). That I'd be living in Virginia.

I left Minnesota at 21 and swore I would never move back, im back, divorced and re-married.  I never would have believed it if someone told me this was going to happen to me.

I've learned that multitasking is not always the way to go. It's still more fun, but there's an argument for setting priorities and moving through them, however slowly, one at a time. This even boggles the mind of the present me. Because it's boring. Oh, well, live and learn.


That I would be retired and living back in CA.

That I'm still alive.




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