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WINDMILLS.    This started a few years ago, we were traveling through Iowa and 50 Windmills all lined up.  I started to have a panic attack, they look like they could start taking over the world.

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I don't do that flying thing too good.

    I avoid the edges of cliffs and such exposure while in the mountains.  Some like to have their picture taken sitting on the edge, not me.

    As for Windmills, I know a guy, Don Quioxte and his sidekick, Sancho that might be able to work on that issue.


lol, yeah it's weird I know.

My fears are all pretty rational; still sux tho.

Roller coasters.  They have a pretty safe reputation, but I don't feel secure in them.  I especially don't like when they go upside down.

My favorite ride when I was younger.  Can't seem to ride them anymore.

I have a (irrational?) fear of heights, which includes roller coasters.

I have the heights thing also when the space is open I'm also not crazy about those glass elevators on the outside of buildings. eeeeeeee.

Cactipillars...I know they must serve some purpose buy, YUK.

I had a fear of heights for many years, but have conquered (mostly) the fear. Many years ago, our babysitter and her husband took us kids on a day trip to the Royal Gorge. I was probable 5 or 6. For anyone that doesn't know about the Royal Gorge, in Colorado. Here is a pic. The bridge deck crosses the Royal Gorge 955 feet (291 m) above the Arkansas River,[2] and held the record of highest bridge in the world from 1929 until 2001, when it was surpassed by the Liuguanghe Bridge in China. It is a suspension bridge with a main span of 938 feet (286 m). The bridge is 1,260 feet (384 m) long and 18 feet (5.5 m) wide, with a wooden walkway with 1292 planks. The bridge is suspended from towers that are 150 feet (46 m) high.

Suspended means that this whole thing sways in the wind left to right, and also undulates up and down. I have somewhere a pic of my wife standing on the bridge with two signs on each side of her. One reads Arkansas River, 1,110 feet below (the height has since been adjusted to a mere 955 feet) and the other sign reads, No Fishing From Bridge. 

Ok, Enough background. My fear started when our babysitter and her husband drove us over the bridge. (a little scary, but not too bad) But on the other side there was a small touristy trap kinda thing selling souvenirs, and a look out point. The look out consisted of a great view of the canyon, but the only thing between you and the sheer drop off was a stone retaining wall approx 3 ft. tall, and maybe 18 to 20 inches wide. 

I'll never understand why, but our babysitter's husband picked me up and dangled me over the side of the retaining wall. And, no, I didn't piss my pants, but it still scared the crap outta me.(figuratively, not actually)

I've been to the Royal Gorge and that guy should be slapped, what an awful thing to do.

It was about 55 years ago, so I guess the best I could do is pi** on his grave carrie.




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