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I'd like some recommendations for my f2f book group.  Of late, several are complaining about the dysfunctional family/dystopian plots, and are looking for something else.  No cozies or bodice rippers, please.  I saw Carci's recommendation for "Skeletons at the Feast", and will see if that engenders any interest!  All suggestions appreciated!

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I would recommend "The Goldfinch" by Donna Tartt.  It was so good that I went out and bought the painting (a reproduction as the original is almost priceless).  It was the Amazon "Book of the Year" for 2013 and to my knowledge no bodices get ripped as the painting is of a bird and most of the art/forgery world portrayed (NYC, Las Vegas and Amsterdam) is real, but the characters are a bit dysfunctional.  The story of the growing up of a young land in a hostile world is Dickensian in every respect and the ending is made in Hollywood.   http://www.nytimes.com/2013/10/08/books/the-goldfinch-a-dickensian-...  You can't go wrong except that like Dickens' books, it is a bit on the long side. 

Thank you Mandy.  We do try to keep a page limit on the books we read, and 771 pages is way out of line.

We try to stay in the 300-350 area.  In the past we have read some 400 plus, but folks "asked nicely" that we not do that anymore.  Seems they lose interest, or feel they can't find the time to jump into something bigger.

I have my own copy of "The Goldfinch" which I bought, and will gradually read it.  There won't be any available copies at our library system for quite awhile.  Newer books don't get on the "available copies" list  and the waits are horrific.  We also don't ask our member to go out and "buy" the book we choose.  Get it from the library, or if copies are available at Half Price Book, we sometimes go that route.

Thanks for the reco.

Well then I will recommend "The Fault in Our Stars," by John Green which is not to long and again is one of the top books of 2013.  http://www.amazon.com/The-Fault-Stars-John-Green/dp/0525478817  It is soon to be a major motion picture and is a touching story of cancer patients.  The other Green book of note is "Looking for Alaska" which deals with teen suicide. 

If you are looking for something upbeat, I wouldn't suggest Skeletons at the Feast.  While it is a wonderful book it is hard read about the Holocaust.

If you are looking for a change of pace, I really liked Don't Let Me Go by  Catherine Ryan Hyde. Here is a synopsis from Amazon:

Former Broadway dancer and current agoraphobic Billy Shine has not set foot outside his apartment in almost a decade. He has glimpsed his neighbors—beautiful manicurist Rayleen, lonely old Ms. Hinman, bigoted and angry Mr. Lafferty, kind-hearted Felipe, and 9-year-old Grace and her former addict mother Eileen.

But most of them have never seen Billy. Not until Grace begins to sit outside on the building’s front stoop for hours every day, inches from Billy’s patio. Troubled by this change in the natural order, Billy makes it far enough out onto his porch to ask Grace why she doesn’t sit inside where it’s safe. Her answer: “If I sit inside, then nobody will know I’m in trouble. And then nobody will help me.”

Her answer changes everything.

By the bestselling author of WHEN I FOUND YOU, SECOND HAND HEART, and PAY IT FORWARD, DON’T LET ME GO is the heart-breaking, funny, and life-affirming story of a building full of loners and misfits who come together to help a little girl survive—and thrive—against all odds.


All Catherine Ryan Hyde's books leave you with a feel-good feeling and I think would be excellent for a group discussion because I always want to talk about them when I am finished with one.

I read "Don't Let Me Go" on my Kindle and loved it.  I will check my libraries and see if they have ANY copies of Hyde's books.  I know they will probably have "Pay it Forward".

Electric God was also excellent.

I, too, loved DON'T LET ME GO.  Should be great for discussion.

As I also recommended to Countryphyl, another good read for a F2F would be CALLING ME HOME.  It was written by an Arlington author, Julie Kibler  and had great reviews.




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