TBD on Ning

How do yo try to eat healthy, or do you just eat it?

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Ice Cream lol ...  made me think, "Cold as a witches ti** y". 

I eat mainly eat healthy foods..love my vegies and fruit...I stay away from processed foods, all full of chemicals and salt

Really!  So, not the stereotypical (American) idea of a trucker.  You know, truckstop foods, greasy spoons, etc.  Interesting.

I like cheese sometimes

ME too, truckie

in the morning I eat homemade musli...smoko,i have a apple and orange,straight from the Farmers market....lunch,a light salad ,also from the Farmers market.

Tea time....hopefully a nice big steak fried in coconut oil, fresh mushrooms and all the  fresh vegies I can fit on my plate.......and a nice cold frothy beer

I am always eating on the run it seems. I have a peanut butter sandwich in the morning, or scrambled eggs. Then a salad for lunch......then my supper is sooo late that I am starved....a nice sleeve of cookies and milk is in order then...lol...

A lot of times my heaviest meals are in the morning.  My husband works late so he usually grabs his meals at work.  Tonight we had tacos for supper, but usually I like them for breakfast, lots of veggis. 




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