TBD on Ning

 I just spent two hours at Whole Foods with my husband.  He is the slowest shopper , looks at everything , reads labels.  I'm just the opposite grab what I need and I'm out the door.  I was so stressed when I left the store. I got home and had my secret indulgence of mini cream puffs.  I'm thinking my answer is a Big NO.

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hate shopping, period.  I used to like to go to record stores and browse when everything was neat and well-organized.  Shopping with others just makes it worse unless you're just really conversing with walking.  I don't even like to shop online.  I usually know what I want, look it up, buy it.

The only shopping I ever enjoyed with my husbands was when we'd go to Home Depot and shop for home improvement stuff...or maybe gardening stuff. Also, during my last marriage, my husband and I would take one day....about 2 weeks before Christmas,....and go to Merriville, IN, where they have a huge shopping area. We'd polish off most of the last gifts on our list, and then go to our favorite Mexican restaurant for a relaxing dinner before heading home. I looked forward to that every year.

We are pretty good together; think alike I guess ...

you're lucky, maybe I need to be more patient.

I hate shopping too; luckily Hubby doesn't like it much either except for hardware/home improvement stores, I've learned not to go in any with him, he wants to stay in there for hours.

I like doing things together, so does Beth  (I think lol ...:0)

Oooh! I forgot. I love to go to Bass Pro shops. My son goes his way, and I go mine.....but I like their clothing, their shoes and boots, and I love the decor in there....the animals and the fish pond. I went with my son when he bought his rifle, and I found the process fascinating.

I wear shirts I get from BPS almost every day. Very comfortable with lots of velsro pockets.


I don't mind, if my husband gets bored he goes and takes a nap in the car. He likes to go with me.

Sounds like my dog lol ....

Mine also LLL, they don't get to go as much though. I do take them to the park every day.




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