TBD on Ning

...The Ranch's answer to you -know - what - with no rules.

Go ahead...tell us what you're having for dinner - we can't wait! Got a cute pic of kitty peeking out of a paper bag? Post it! We live for that stuff!

Math addict? How about a refresher on the Pythagorean Theorem?

Like macaroni and cheese? Tell us why!

So even if you're not a writer or a poet (yet), there's still plenty of fun things to do at the Armadillo!

Oh baby, oh baby!

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I used to know this - the diff between affect and effect as a verb for?. The noun I think I understand. Your thoughts?

Oh, lord! Maybe I'll just put my faith into the fact that so few people know the diff, I'll just get away with doing it wrong.

Effect –  “The special effects in the movie were extraordinary.”

Effective –  “The techniques used by the artist were very effective in creating a macabre effect.”

Affect – I was deeply affected by the use of the visual effects, which were quite effective.


Affection – smooch!              

An example:  If something affects the outcome, it makes a difference on the outcome.  If it effects the outcome, it creates the outcome.

99% of the time the verb you want is affect.

Must be a slow day at the bank -- I read it! Interesting story of one hand washing the other. Or sumpin'.

I was on worm rescue yesterday morning. It wasn’t what I had planned to do. I was just out for my regular morning walk, but there were puddles in the street and some of them had stranded worms. It had rained lightly  here in Dusty Gulch the previous day, and worms had been washed out of their holes. If they can’t struggle to the safety of their native dirt fast enough they drown in the water, and some were struggling while others were still. Where I saw life in the small pink bodies I gently lifted them to a nearby lawn, where they might loosen the soil and poop of their nutritious worm poop that grass might live!

The end

Youse is a true humanitarian, W.

P.S.  I also rescue worms, but below zero temperatures keep them safely underground.


I used to teach worm CPR for the Red Cross.

It's a little tricky - especially figuring out which end is the head  - which could have a significant impact on the outcome.

I've e-mailed you an instruction sheet and video.

To carol: ☺

To Bman: Awww

Uh oh...just had a bunch of snow yesterday...now we're in the path of Nika - the ice storm side.

We're domed.

You guys can have my stuff...(sniff)

We're damned here in Joisey. Snow, snowier, snowiest, followed tonight by an icefest.

Reminds me of my childhood, and why Michigan is a great place to be from!

As a result of the recent  ice storm, the mayor's office issued a statement proclaiming that  the city of Louisville has officially changed its name to "Bent Tree, KY".




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