TBD on Ning

Defenestrate  (Definition tomorrow)

"Forgive me Father...for I have defenestrated."

Yesterday's Word :

batrachophagous - one who eats frogs

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Baptized by capers - those little black things in jars by the olives?

“Capernoited” is defined as “slightly tipsy”.

(Am really surprised that got past this group…)


Got a note from Barbie, though – by the time I waded through all the smiley faces and pink hearts, all that was left was

“Gosh, Mr. B…these are really tough – just like math!”

OkOkOk, dollface (literally)…we’ll lighten it up a bit.

Today’s word is “Napkin”.

[Answer Monday]


A brief nap; aka cat nap

A nap's closest relative?

A diaper (British). As in, "Cedric! Change the baby's nappies!"

It's still too tough, Mr B...

This looks like a composite of some of the mothers of the kids I drive.

Monday's word is "Mulligrubs".

"Hey B...you don't look so good. S'matter?

"Grrr...I got da damn mulligrubs..."

And for you, Barbie dear...your word is "cat" . Good luck!

Lawn beetles wearing an 80s haircut.


Another one I know -- my mother used it to describe a bad mood, as in "Why do you have the mulligrubs?"

Is anyone allowed to contribute a word?  Mine is valetudinarian (another one of my mother's.)




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