TBD on Ning

I think we have done this before, but are you on a diet?  Do you recommend it?

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I don't know if you can call it a diet, really, but I sure have changed my eating habits. I've cut way down on carbs, for one. Eating a lot more salads. I want my hip fixed this year, and weighing less will be beneficial to that. Plus, my granddaughter is planning a big wedding.....and I want to be the best-looking great grandmother there! (I'll be the ONLY great grandmother there, but that's irrelevant.)

Hip surgery is much better then it used to be.  I got this from a friend ~10 minutes ago...

I am always on a diet except when I'm not!   I was doing Weight Watchers and doing very well but I could not get to the meetings when I lost my ride. Then I moved, then my husband under went his 2nd triple by-pass surgery and had a very hard time.  He is ok now though.   Now we are buying a house so when I get settled I will follow WW again. 

im on a seafood diet

see food

then eat it

LOL...that's my problem too  

Years ago I did the Atkins diet, but was cheating cause I was still drinking beer. I called it the meat and beer diet. I lost 30 pounds in less than two months. Took a couple of years, but it all came back.




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