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Anybody want to discuss?  Fox, of course, is trying their best to ignore it.

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Typical Republican petty dirty tricks these days, who's surprised?  I don't know what makes these people tick...

I don't know either!  And how they think they can plead innocent and think we'll just let it go.  It's just beyond me how a governor could be so totally unknowing and incurious when this started getting press.  Rachel Maddow had a very interesting theory on it on her show last night.

Yes, I saw it.  Front page news today.

Fox News has devoted less coverage than several of its cable news rivals to the scandal swirling around New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie (R), who has had to confront the fact that one of his top aides was directly involved in a nasty political payback scheme. While the revelations were all over CNN, MSNBC and the front pages of the nation's newspapers, Fox News paid relatively little attention to the story — on Wednesday, it spent just 15 minutes on the topic.

But Thursday afternoon, Greg Gutfeld, one of the hosts of "The (Partisan)  Five," admitted the story is a "scandal."

"We cannot sit here and dismiss this as a distraction," he said. "That makes us look like complete hypocrites, because we would explode. ... We have exploded here at this table when somebody says Benghazi is a distraction or...is a phony scandal."  (Which it is.)

it very likely won't matter in the least for the republican party in general. they are so fragmented and involved in infighting that it looks like a redneck family reunion. might just get a replay of the barnum and baily act of the last cycle. i was reading one local commentator who is still 'pulling for herman caine'...

Redneck family reunion....I like it. Very apt, Problem.

Yes, that's a great description, Problem!

I think its a shame.  I have reviewed many of the clips where they took his "bullying" remarks pretty much out of context.  He is well spoken and very intelligent.  I liked him; what a shame.

whether or not he knew, the fact that 'his people' considered it an option does not speak well for his choices of staff. how would this play out on a national level visavis cabinet and other positions? this might be a downgrade. and of course he has already been tarnished for the far right and labeled a RINO for his association with obama during the hurricane and the aftermath. of course most of those people didn't have homes and lives threatened so why ever would they think it was important for a state govt and the national govt to be on speaking terms anyway? for an example of that idiocy, refer back to rick perry who on the one hand was calling for secession and we don't need no stinling federal government while on the other hand was whining about the federal government not having declared texas a disaster area and not basing planes to fight wildfires in texas just in case......

You are right... :0(

they have a dearth of candidates...i listened to marco rubio being interviewed...and guess what? if you take away the hispanic element, he is just another platitudinous bullshit artist mouthing slogans that mean nada. all these fuckwits sound the same, say the same things and say nothing but push the verbal buttons to try to corral that wildeyed fanatical right wing base that they have to have to capture the republican party. seems like the republicans have captured themselves in a faustian trap. to capture the republicans, you have to lose everyone else and possibly your soul in the bargain. the newest talking point is 'the war on poverty is lost' without remembering what it was like before and that they want to turn the concern over the poor and disadvantaged back over to the states (along with all that money)...uhhhhhh, say wasn't it the fact that the states flat out didn't give a shit about the poor and the minorities that caused the federal government to get involved to begin with?? just sayin'......and do we really want the past to be repeated?

Listen carefully and you hear the same brain-wash agenda from all of them, including Fox % Ditto




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