TBD on Ning

What's something someone said to you that was intended as an insult, but you proudly took it as a compliment ?

Y'know - When the kind of person who eats cold Spaghetti-O's out of the can sneers at your "hoity-toity, snobby" dining habits, such as being able to actually fry an egg ?

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My step father once told me and my best bud we were animals. About 1970 and it felt like a badge of honor!

Well, since Rush Limbaugh declared everyone in my state a "Podunk" I think much more highly of Podunks now. I don't go to social settings much so people don't often insult me in person. If I write a letter to the editor and I get an anonymous letter or phone call saying I, "...better watch out before writing another stupid letter..." I generally get a good feeling about being effective. And a few days back I asked all those that ordinarily send me a lump of coal for Christmas to send it early due to the cold wave so I could use them in my stove.  Perhaps tomorrow I will think of better examples.

don't feel all alone...rush limbaugh called the pope a communist for refuting trickle down theory as depending on the good intentions of the wealthy...and i guess real christians are pinko commies in rush's christmas list then...

"uncouth"        My translation:  couth-free

a pump jockey called me Jesus Christ.

lolol @ flipper....lolol

(shadowman has it goin' on, huh?)

I haven't been insulted lately so the use of homonyms and puns are safely tucked away for just such an occasion.

"You make me sick."  Didn't realize I had that much power over her; wish it was legal to do even more; naw, not really, only kidding hahahahaha...

My boss has told me that I am a bad influence on the new drivers

I agree

How is it that you're supposedly "bad", truckie?  If you don't mind me asking.

probably he's a good employee and so good it makes the new ones look bad.


I bet you're right, Cali; some companies and bosses are like that; my nephew was told he didn't get a job he interviewed for because he was "too enthusiastic, acted like you wanted the job too much; that's not what we're looking for here."

Been at the same job for 30 years, also I am the Union delegate,so I am constantly challenging the boss on the drivers behalf...I am rather good at it.

Seen a lot of bosses come and go,most have said they will sack me,Im still here and there gone,,,sigh, wish I was gone.

I have even fallen out of fovour with the union,i told  them that they are just another Parasite the drivers have to contend with.So the union would like to see me gone also.

SEE...I told you I was an old Grumpy truck driver..I will always stick up for the little fellar,I hate bully,s




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