i had to spend two hours in an office this morning where they had fox news streaming on their wall tvs. fox news explains people like cod. for two hours, it was a harangue on obama and obamacare, iran and the nuclear agreement, all negative about anything from 'that side' of the political spectrum and interspersed with ads to buy gold, silver and other surefire ways to make money. if they advertised suicide, there'd surely be a population drop..oh and interesting that there was not a female in sight on fox who was old enough to have a wrinkle on her face or an actual original thought in her head
oh and this takes a lot for granted...."Keep watching people like Rachel Maddow, and Bashir ". i don't like bashir....maddow can be funny but i don't watch her. i actually read, i don't get my news from video to assuage the cartoon mentality of both extremes. and i suggest you might look further afield than blatantly right wing biased organs and murdoch's empire for news sources. it says a lot that you base your "patriotic" bullshit on a corporate rag empire owned by an australian whose ethics have been under indictment in england for tapping cellphones of individuals up to and including murder victims and bribing police officers for information
Your assumptions are based on supposition and have little to do with fact. You have no idea where I or anyone else get their news information. I think you are happy reading, and looking at the pretty pictures, in your source of news.
actually you keep posting from fox news and the nypost and various other conservative media. some are like the links for a conservative publication that brags that it always takes a conservative view (regardless of what has occurred and even before the facts are revealed) and then murdoch's empire which has all the credibilty of tv guide...(which he also owns)...so chew on that, cupcake. you'll have to go find bonafide journalists instead of bloggers and hairbag airbags.
Guess again ROFLMAO ....
As far as Bashir is concerned you won't have him to kick around anymore, and Alex Baldwin for that matter.
What we have here is a contest for eyeballs and as such, content. Whether it is CNN, Fox or MSNBC the point is ratings, and that means content that entertains, thus gets eyeballs, and is sticky enough to keep the eyeballs looking through the commercials and self-promotions.
And it is a problem, CNN is having to recast much of their lineup and moving toward a magazine format off of hard news that Turner used to create the channel in the first place. That has already happened to Headline News and what MSNBC has done as its late night choice and weekends when the paid half-hour, ersatz news, commercials are run. FUSION is also going to play in the space using its more hip style of content with the age group of commentators that MSNBC uses in parts of its daytime programs, such as the Cycle and NOW.
Overall, hard news doesn't sell unless, it is BREAKING, screaming headlines of flashing lights and circling helicopters, and blather talking heads. And yes, what a world, coming to you live, up close and personal....
and the trouble inherent in that breaking news hooplah is the amount of disinformation or even absolute horseshit that gets put on the airwaves in an effort to fill the space and be firstest and fastest. they seem to forget that the number one rule of real journalists was be accurate and report the actual facts.
not to mention that the blathering talking heads include people like martin bashir from one spectrum (and i can say i will not miss him) and talking bloviated bags of feces like rush limbaugh and glenn beck from the other, people whose view of the world is devoid of actual reality but rather a funhouse mirror of existance. how bout, for an example, limbaugh calling the pope a communist and a socialist because he criticized the adoration of money and called on christians to, well, be christians.....but then perhaps rush limbaugh can't tell the difference between religion and money....
now combine that wioth the latest reporting fashion which is to overhype and dramatize EVERYTHING like an inside edition and damn the facts, they just ruin the story and you have the ingredients in place to create a massive clusterfuck
A majority watch Fox only for "crotch shots. Apparently a minority actually listens to them.
Gotta agree with you, LLL. My son sometimes watches "Fox and Friends" for his daily dose of comedy. They certainly do stereotype women at Fox, don't they?!
And thens some ...
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