TBD on Ning

What impresses you?

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People who can play chess well.

My son came down for Thanksgiving. He was playing with his 13 year old nephew, my grandson and kicking his butt. I hadn't played in maybe 40 years. I kicked HIS butt!

honesty, integrity, conscientiousness

Self control. Being able to process information before lashing out blindly. (usually with bad results)

People who can do awesome things like create furniture or carve stone craftsmen (women). I love seeing hand made things.

People who can figure stuff out.

Dogs, who pick up their own poo.


Linebackers who can read a screen and nail the receiver behind the line of scrimmage.

People who retain their own individual personality after being married.  I know 2 or 3 couples who still act and speak as individuals-they're great.

Gosh, how does one not do this? Do you suppose that's the difference between couples that fight (and get along) and those that don't fight. (I'm going to sound "Flip" here, but I wonder if those latter couples are the ones that wake up one day feeling dissatisfied and suddenly and unexpectedly get divorced.) <gr>

I don't know

kind, caring, compassionate and thoughtful people




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