TBD on Ning

If we lived in a world where magic existed, what would be the most overused spell?

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Either a spell for winning the lottery or a spell that would make Obama disappear.

There are 'WAY too many Americans who really want these spells to be real, and feel cheated because they aren't.

Either the "sleep with me" spell or equally - the "go away, you don't want to sleep with me" spell.


The remove the traffic from the freeway spell.

Boy, I wonder what that would do to the people that get removed. How about the send everybody to their destination now spell.

I want a clean the house spell. 

scourgify.  thank you and good luck with that.

turn people into newts.

,,,But they get better

It doesn't get any better than Newt.

I d have a spell to keep my beer cold and frothy

I could go for a good lose weight and be perfectly fit spell, I know a few men who would want to use a spell on a certain body part of theirs from time to time.




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