TBD on Ning

Rules: Choose one and leave two for the next person..

I'll begin with.....


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Speaking of "no more monkey business", yer not supposed to answer yer own posts.

Peter Garrett or Henry Rollins ?

Peter Garrett


Christmas or Hanukkah?

Christmas for this family, but it sure is nice when they mesh more closely on the calendar; makes it like one big universal celebration.

minimal decorating, or breaking your neck on the ladder installing blinding brightness?

No decorating at all here. Sometimes we put up a wreath or two, but the whole see-your-house-from-space thing doesn't click with us.  

8-track or reel-to-reel ?

Stereo 8, cause there was no room in my 71' Bug for a reel to reel system. 

Lennon, or Harrison?


Apple or Capitol

That's a tough one Snagg. And with you being a DJ, I almost feel like this is a loaded question, and I'm about to step on a land mind. They are both pretty cool on their own. Capital released some of the early Beatles, plus Pink Floyd, Sammy Hagar, The Knack, Bob Segar, along with a TON of other artists. Apple did sign some very cool artists, James Taylor, Ravi Shankar, Elephants memory, etc. But as far as longevity and variety, I guess I will go with Capital. 

Right or wrong?

right because I'm right-handed


humor:  satirical or slapstick?

Either, depending on my mood.


Rose gold or yellow gold?

Yellow gold. When I met my wife, that was all she would wear. Then there was a period of time when I owned Stray Dog Antiques, that she wore Bakelite, (an early plastic, that can be very pricey) and now she is into the Pandora (sterling silver) bead thing. 

Go all out decorating for Christmas, or do minimal decorations/blow it off.

Minimal, as in "less is more"? Although I like gawking at other folks' over the top displays.

New Years: party at home, go out, or shrug and go to bed early?

Party at home


Christmas lights - multicolored or all white?




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