TBD on Ning

Here's an interesting summation from the N Y Post:

When I first saw the headline saying Bill Clinton was advising President Obama to “honor his commitment,” I had to laugh. The idea of Monica Lewinsky’s boyfriend as moral referee always cracks me up.

Then I got to wondering. Which commitment was Clinton talking about?

Is it the one Obama made to the Israeli people, that he had their backs and would never let Iran get a nuclear weapon? Or was it his promise to enforce a “red line” in Syria?

Or maybe it was Obama’s promise to “never rest” until we caught the terrorists who killed our ambassador and three other Americans in Libya?

Or was Clinton talking about the many times the president said he would “never rest” until every American who wanted a job had one?

Or maybe he was talking about the pledge to change the tone in Washington? Or to go through the budget “line by line” and cross out the waste driving up the deficit?

You get the picture — any of those whoppers would qualify. But, of course, Clinton was talking about the broken promise of the moment, the one where Obama vowed that “if you like your health insurance, you can keep it.”

It ranks as one of the biggest presidential lies of modern times, all the more so because Obama repeated it 30 times. The fallout of millions being forced from their policies, an experience exacerbated by the hapless Web site, has created a crisis of confidence so vast, it threatens to swallow the second term.


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Hey, base, I asked you a question in one of your other asinine rant pages. A question you refused to address - Yet here you are, puking up more vitriol and expecting us to treat it with respect.

Seriously - What's WRONG with you ? I mean, I already know that you're a dismissive coward and lying sneak and a dumb, insecure self-righteous hick who needs to sneer at people who are better than you in every way, just to look at yourself in the mirror each morning.

But I'm curious....Do you ignore your children's honest and reasonable questions and lie to them as much as you do us ? Have they written you and your ignorant, uninformed hate out of their lives, so that you come here to take your anger out on us, "reasoning" in your little pinprick of a brain that it's somehow OUR fault that your kids know you're an idiot ?

I mean, really - "It ranks as one of the biggest presidential lies of modern times" - ? In the age of "WMD's in Iraq" and the presentation of a vial of soap flakes as anthrax on the floor of the UN, and you call THIS "one of the biggest presidential lies of modern times" ? How fucking stupid ARE you ?

I refer you to the mission statement of this group Snagg:  Finally a more adult version of CE&P for adults, not children. For open minded members to discuss current events and politics.  Respect everyone's Freedom of Speech and, TBD's rules.  Oh, and Nobody unmasked as LLL's (ROFLMAO) rules too -- Attack the message, not the messenger.

When you act like an adult and ask serious questions, I will answer you. Until then try and be an adult.

An "adult" like you, whose "arguments" are nothing but cut-and-paste clippings from one-sided dingbat sites like the World News Daily or FAUXNews, who runs away and starts a new "argument" rather than face or debate the contradicting facts when they're posted by other, less brainwashed members of TDB ?

You and I have a VERY different definition of the word "adult", base. I call an "adult" a person who actually comprehends and understands the facts and can make a coherent statement regarding them, while weeding out the bullshit and spin and self-serving righteousness; Not an angry little mynah bird who simply repeats whatever swill that was served up by the right-wing noise machine that morning.

The key word being discuss, not proliferating propaganda base. 

Ones mans source of news is anothers junk. Who do you get your news from Snagg? MSNBC, CNN, or maybe Chuck Todd at NBC? Those who live in glass houses.

I get it from all over the place - As opposed to you, who exclusively hoovers up dogshit from Limbaugh, Beck, Hannity, Farah, Coulter and other right-wing bottom-feeders.

Base, you're PATHETICALLY one-sided, misinformed and pig-ignorant as a result of your empty political diet, and you're proud of it - As if being a blinkered horse's ass is some sort of achievement, something you actually put valuable time and effort into accomplishing.

You deserve extinction, and all we really have to do is sit back and let you waddle down that path all on your own. We poke you with sharp sticks for shits and giggles, just to hear you snarl and bellow, as you blunder into the quicksand of failure, flailing around, sinking deeper with every self-contradicting piece of slop you post - And we shake our heads in sad amazement as you blame us for not jumping in with you.

It's not like we didn't try to point out to you the suicidal track you were on, but like any other dumb beast, you choose to put your scarred head down and keep charging blindly forward. Go drown, you useless, anachronistic dolt. No one will miss you.

A baseless point.  Every news outlet agrees with us.  Like professional wrestling, you'd think someone could figure it out for what it is.

The worst was Bush going after Iraq instead of Osama Bin Laden based on a lie. He knew it was a lie and didn't care if the real cause of 9/11 was getting away.

It took Obama to set that right.

Show  some proof of that Life. 

You should talk. Nobody on this suite lies and distorts and leaves out crucial facts as much as you do, base.

 CapeCod  Saltie   base2final has made up his mind.

Proof, ask Bush, he admits to it, didn't he write a book and blame Cheney?  We all witnessed it in history, Bush went after Iraq because of what happened with his daddy, it was a way to get revenge. We all saw that Osama didn't get put down until Obama's team went after him. Bush wasn't interested, when the towers went down he wanted to read to the kids. We saw it live.




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