TBD on Ning

let's see now how does that work....oh yeah...we refuse to pass a debt ceiling adjustment so the us goes into debt default and then it is obama's fault and we impeach him......does this ass have two brain cells to run together or is it just that his constituency is THAT stupid that being coherent and rational was never part of the job description?

Louie Gohmert Cites Bible As Foreign Policy Guide On Israel: 'The Bible Is Accurate'

The Huffington Post  |  By Shadee Ashtari Posted: 11/14/2013 6:56 pm EST  |  Updated: 11/15/2013 12:58 pm EST

Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-Texas) took to the House floor Wednesday for a speech on the Obama administration’s Israel policy, using the Bible for guidance.

“There are many who have been aware of Scripture, and it has often been a guide in our relations with Israel,” Gohmert said. “Some of us believe that the Bible is accurate. Certainly, so many prophesies have been fulfilled, and if that is true, this administration, unless they can find a verse that accurately says that those who betray Israel will be blessed, then this country is being dug in a deeper hole by this administration, and its betrayals of Israel’s trust and Israel’s friendship.”

Gohmert accused President Barack Obama of pursuing policies not in Israel's best interest. He mentioned the administration’s support for Israel signing an international Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, and quoted Genesis 12, implying the consequences of "betraying" Israel.

“It seems appropriate ... ‘I will bless them that bless thee and curse them that curse thee,’” Gohmert said. “It was no accident that just minutes after Israel became a nation, the United States ... became the first nation in the world to recognize what was prophesized throughout the Old Testament about Israel returning after its absence."

The tea party lawmaker has repeatedly criticized Obama of late, citing debt default as an “impeachable offense by the president.”

In September, Gohmert also suggested defunding part of the executive branch in response to the Obama administration’s handling of reports that the IRS was targeting conservative organizations.

"If the administration is not going to be forthcoming with information about the IRS, then it may be necessary to defund part of the executive branch until such time as they become truthful," Gohmert said.

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House Republicans Want To Impeach Eric Holder For Refusing To Defend Unconstitutional Law

Posted: 11/14/2013 3:53 pm EST  |  Updated: 11/15/2013 10:57 am EST

WASHINGTON -- A fringe group of House Republicans announced this week they will try to make Attorney General Eric Holder the first cabinet official to be impeached since the reconstruction era. One of the reasons? He didn't defend an unconstitutional law.

One of the articles of impeachment against Holder backed by a small group of House Republicans, including Reps. Michele Bachmann (Minn.), Ted Yoho (Fla.) and Pete Olson (Texas), involves the Justice Department's decision not to defend key provisions of the Defense of Marriage Act in federal court. The Supreme Court, of course, agreed with the Obama administration's conclusion that the federal law recognizing only opposite-sex marriages was unconstitutional, and it struck down a portion of the law over the summer.

The Republicans also targeted Holder's decision not to sue Washington and Colorado for deciding t..., arguing that he's not enforcing the Controlled Substances Act.

There are no signs that House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) will act on the resolution, Politico reports, and his office is referring calls elsewhere. House Republicans previously voted to find Holder in contempt of Congress because the Justice Department refused to turn over certain documents related to the botched ATF operation known as Fast and Furious. Holder said earlier this year the vote didn't have a big impact on him because he had no respect for anyone who voted to hold him in contempt.

During a visit to St. Louis on Thursday as part of his Smart on Crime push, Holder criticized the "meaningless partisan" impeachment effort and said the resolution included "factually incorrect" allegations.

“I have serious things, serious things that I have to engage in," Holder said. "That is how I’m going to be spending my time and I’m not going to be devoting much attention to those kinds of things."

“Mr. President, I rise today to talk about America’s debt problem. The fact that we are here today to debate raising America’s debt limit is a sign of leadership failure. It is a sign that the U.S. government can’t pay its own bills.”

“It is a sign that we now depend on ongoing financial assistance from foreign countries to finance our government’s reckless fiscal policies. Over the past five years, our federal debt has increased by $3.5 trillion to $8.6 trillion. That is  ‘‘trillion’’ with a ‘‘T.’’ That is money that we have borrowed from the Social Security trust fund, borrowed from China and Japan, borrowed from American taxpayers.

Obama’s 2006 speech on the debt limit

So problem was Obama's speech dumb or dumber. What's changed that if you don't allow the $17 TRILLION debt to be raised you are anti Obama? What was bad for Bush is good for Obama?? What do you say Problem?

what does that have to do with the post?  come on come on.....tell us in detail all your quips quibbles and complaints...we can hardly wait (and of course the fact that we were NOT in a recession in 2006 doesn't have ANY bearing on what was said does it?  me thinks someone patted your head too hard) and the debt was the recession, tarpa, the wars in afghanistan and iraq....any questions?




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