TBD on Ning

Here's an interesting summation from the N Y Post:

When I first saw the headline saying Bill Clinton was advising President Obama to “honor his commitment,” I had to laugh. The idea of Monica Lewinsky’s boyfriend as moral referee always cracks me up.

Then I got to wondering. Which commitment was Clinton talking about?

Is it the one Obama made to the Israeli people, that he had their backs and would never let Iran get a nuclear weapon? Or was it his promise to enforce a “red line” in Syria?

Or maybe it was Obama’s promise to “never rest” until we caught the terrorists who killed our ambassador and three other Americans in Libya?

Or was Clinton talking about the many times the president said he would “never rest” until every American who wanted a job had one?

Or maybe he was talking about the pledge to change the tone in Washington? Or to go through the budget “line by line” and cross out the waste driving up the deficit?

You get the picture — any of those whoppers would qualify. But, of course, Clinton was talking about the broken promise of the moment, the one where Obama vowed that “if you like your health insurance, you can keep it.”

It ranks as one of the biggest presidential lies of modern times, all the more so because Obama repeated it 30 times. The fallout of millions being forced from their policies, an experience exacerbated by the hapless Web site, has created a crisis of confidence so vast, it threatens to swallow the second term.


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That's not true. we did complain about Bush and Cheney spending. And I am not "you guys." Because I am sure you are right about some of "them guys."

Oh come on. with this lie stuff.

What the heck are you doing up so late anyway?

You said Democrats lie.  I'm trying to prove their microscopic compared to the right.

They are claiming now not only that they did not want to shut down the government, they didn't.  It's Obama's fault.

Startling considering they campaigned on shutting down the government.

Lies and truth are big items with me.

OK, on your last note.

The feeling makes total sense to me.

 I see it as more complicated. But again I just don't have the time to justify what I would like to do.

If I can not thoroughly explain myself in a way to keep it from being personal, than I fail at what I had hoped to do. 

Don't take it personally, you are only repeating what you are listening/reading.

I have a different philosophy. I want different things happening in Washington.
If this president wanted to do what I think is good I am happy about it.

I can not explain things nearly as articulately as I would like and especially in a quick manner.

I really would like to keep going with this, and I think it is good for the group to have differing views, but I have no interests in bothering people. And my sluggish brain and vocabulary and memory does not help. And I have to many other things to look after.

Just want to wish you and everybody well, and us all well, and I still would like to meet up with you at Starbucks pretty soon.

I'd rather not talk politics than get into too much of a tug a war.

Peace     !!!  (@!@) !!!

Different things are happening 


Watched your video. I don't agree with it's conclusion at all, but I do agree with some of it's message.
Everyone should have the right to vote, but finding a way to keep voter fraud from occurring makes sense. Making it hard for anyone to vote that is a citizen is wrong.

But these are practical matters. Any practical solution is fine with me. It is possible to find ways to keep this fair and that is all that I would like to see.

Again here I am at 1:50 in the morning. I just don't like how I feel when I think I spent all of this time and did such a shoddy job of addressing these things.

Maybe when I feel I have more time I will try again.  It is kind of like the video. People were criticized for statements made that seemed narrow minded, and some of them, definitely were. But when someone criticizes liberals or attributes policies to them that they want to identify as bad or wrong I get that the point is to communicate a difference with the views that they feel are summarized with that term, but maybe another one would be better. But agains just like saying the Tea Party is the American Taliban.

That is surely not any more warm than what was said of liberals. I don't agree with what seems to be attributed to the Tea Party here, but I don't feel that that is what identifies the Tea Party. But again I don't care about any of the terms.

Any other name is fine.

I have tried to express what I am for. Come up with a different group that combines the good elements and does away with the bad. I'll be for that.

Anyway, I just don't think I can keep up.

Mark Levin has written lots of books, that get into the material matters and deciphers through these things, so has Dennis Prager. And Milton Friedman has expressed a number of things as well that I think make a lot of sense.

I do not hear the meat and potatoes of the basic ideas being addressed.

I hear most things going around, and skirting the main issues, and getting caught up in the processes. I like talking more about an idea without a present event to just identify what principles we are dealing with.

You said you don't like lying.

Neither do I.

So we agree there.

I am going to bed with that.

You didn't listen.  There is no voter fraud; it's a lie -- to allow Rs to commit massive voter fraud / fixing it so only Republicans can vote.

gee...11 posts about obamacare and obama from you and you have yet to discuss actual facts. a tip for you...the nypost is no longer a credible news source. neither is the wall street journal. when rupert murdoch acquires a media company it becomes another right wing checkout stand source of disinformation acceptable only to carpetchewing rumormongers as a proof. 5 years and counting for cod's ocd about obama....he rivals c2c in his quest for bad stuff to try to pin on the n-i-c. remember she was the one who 'had evidence' that obama issued an executive order that people couldn't grow vegetables in their front yard in one town which had adopted a city ordnance about gardening in the front yards of houses and of course she stated it was a national executive order.....next stop fema concentration camps and other rumors from the looneytune brigade...

 oh and a chuckle for people with real working brain cells...this is a letter in a local conservative paper

Obama solely responsible for shutdown

To the editor:

I disagree with Mack Brown and William Crews. I believe Senator Cruz is the George Washington of the 21st century. His leadership qualities exceed anyone I have seen in my 71 years on this planet.

Any shutdown of government happened because of Obama’s refusal to negotiate. Any suffering over a government shutdown is Obama’s fault and only his fault.

Jim Doyle


i just have to ask...what has ted cruz DONE, i mean actually gotten done in his quest for political power? aside from shutting down the government and refusing to confirm federal appointees to vacant positions to ensure that the govt actually functions, he has done NOTHING. so ted cruz has a negative effect on everyone's daily life...

I don't recall that this was a discussion about Ted Cruz. Why divert to that?

so the shutdown lasted 16 days. Affected very few people. Mostly veterans being restricted from their WW11 monument. Obamacare has now been causing problems. now to millions with cancelled policies, for over 45 days. Most normal people have forgotten about the shut down, but every day they are reminded of Obamacare. Democrats are running for cover and Reid called for a special meeting today. They are trying to protect themselves for the 2014 elections.

All this going on and you worry about Ted Cruz? I rest my case. 

And you lost your case, right there.

Base, I really am beginning to suspect that you're nothing but another sock puppet that FAUX sent out to the internet to spread lies and misinformation about anything opposed to the GOP's interests. Just one more wretched, paid-under-the-table flunky with the integrity of a crack whore. The GOP are wallowing in the lowest approval ratings in the party's history - Yet you carefully ignore that little fact, and only squawk about the Dems' low, but nowhere NEAR as low ratings - While factually LYING about the exact numbers of those ratings, to make them appear worse than they really are.

You're so fundamentally crooked and dishonest, base, that (to borrow a phrase from HST) you have to screw your pants on every morning.

so who made you moderator cod?....this is one of 11 posts that you started about obama and the terrors and evils of obamacare....so it goes where it will. if you don't like it, start another one just like you've been doing....or go start your own group if you want to dictate how people can and can't respond to your continuous whining...you know, like those groups at that other place you used to scuttle back to crow about how you posted hate messages in the heart of the liberal loonie leftist groups?




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