TBD on Ning

Hope y'all did your "RABBIT RABBIT RABBIT" this morning!  Hard to believe that it's November already!

I'm still reading Margaret Atwood's ALIAS GRACE and enjoying it!  The book is rather small print and 460 pages.  Am not sure I'll get through it this round.  Tomorrow am picking up three reserve books at library. Here's the order that I plan to read them:

1.  DEADLINE by Sandra Brown  http://www.amazon.com/Deadline-Sandra-Brown/dp/1455501514/ref=tmm_h...

2.  THE OCTOBER LIST by Jeffery Deaver  http://www.amazon.com/October-List-Jeffery-Deaver/dp/1455576646/ref...

3.  JUST ONE EVIL ACT by Elizabeth George http://www.amazon.com/Just-One-Evil-Act-Inspector/dp/0525952969/ref...

All three books are recently published and have a reserve list. Fortunately will have three weeks. The George book is quite long and the reviews haven't been exceptional.  The Deaver book also has not had good reviews but I do like him.  Have been to a couple evenings where he speaks and he's quite delightful!

With the holidays approaching hope everyone can find some time to escape into some good reads!


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started the #2 Jussi Adler-Olsen, and it is quite a bit "rawer" and sex-filled than the first book.  Not enjoying it as much, but the story is moving.  We'll see.

Just finished "The Last Train to Istanbul." http://www.amazon.com/Last-Train-Istanbul-A-Novel/dp/1477807616 This story is set in WWII Turkey and France, and tells of the brave actions of Turkish government officials to save Turkish nationality Jews located in Europe, who were being sought for death camps as part of the "final solution" by Nazi Germany. "Muslims saving Jews" has got to be an interesting twist on the relationship between these two religions over the years. A desperate train ride from Paris to Istanbul concludes the action, as the war is drawing to a close.  This was one of my top reads of the year.  It is the stuff that Stephen Spielberg movies are made of. I was especially drawn to the story has I have recently spent three weeks in Turkey, studying the history and culture. Our guide was Jewish, in this mostly Muslim nation.  Turkey is a place where these two ancient religious groups live side by side, with little conflict. 

What a great trip  - I've got this book on my TBR list for sure. Thanks for the tip!

Thanks Mandy, sounds so good (Last Train) I bought it and download to my kindle.

Finished Lucky You by Carl Hiaasen... crazy characters & plot, as usual for him...  lol

Yesterday I started The Heist by Janet Evanovich (& Lee Goldberg).  This is not a Stephanie Plum book but has all the charm and witty dialogue of that series.  Kate, an FBI agent, has been chasing Nick, a con man extraordinaire, for 5 years.  When she finally gets her man (who happens to look like the man of her dreams) he escapes and she discovers he has now teamed up with the FBI and she is forced (drat!) to work with him catching even bigger, badder thieves. Chuckles on every page...  If you like Stephanie Plum, you'll like Kate & Nick and their sexually charged adventures. I can see another series starting.

Picked up "The Last Surgeon" by Dr. Michael Palmer (recently passed) at the retirement complex library.  I have read 3-4 of the Palmer books over the years but this one was new to me.  It deals with Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome, with an Afghanistan War surgeon having contracted the condition as a terrorist drove a truck full of explosives into a tent where he and fellow surgeons were operating on wounded soldiers.  He is now trying to help fellow GI with similar problems but some VA administrator is trying to shut him down.  Interesting plot. Also watch the promotional song that accompanies the promotional rticle.  Palmer claims to be the first to use this technique to introduce a new novel.   http://www.michaelpalmerbooks.com/the-last-surgeon

Finished The Heist...  no surprises but a quick fun read! I would definitely get the next one featuring Kate & Nick if there is one coming...

Started 13 1/2 today, a stand-alone thriller by Nevada Barr.  It grabbed me on the first page and hasn't let go yet...


During the past week I finished The Double by George Pelecanos and Let it Burn by Steve Hamilton.  I liked them both, especially Let it Burn.  Although readable, I didn’t think the Pelecanos effort was quite up to many of his earlier works.  If anyone were to start with one of his, I would suggest Drama City or The Turnaround.  But I thought Let it Burn was very good, just a notch or two under The Lock Artist, which was perhaps my favorite Hamilton novel so far.

Now I am starting Let Him Go by Larry Watson. It is something I plucked from the Book Review section of our local paper early this Summer where it received a great deal of praise. The author has received several awards for other novels he has written, although I have not read any of them. We will see.

Let It Burn was the latest (#10) in his Alex McKnight series, which is one of my favorite series. The Lock Artist was a stand-alone. I just checked his fantastic fiction page and discovered there is one stand-alone by Hamilton that I haven't read, Night Work.  It was a nominee for the Dagger Award and now it will be waiting for me when I get to the library on Monday. :)

Hope we will have a "Worst Book" of 2013 happening in Dec or Jan 14? I'll be a thread hog at the rate I'm going...LOL

I did find an Audiobook out in the RV hidden under the jump seat. Harlan Coben's "The Final Detail" a Myron Bolitar Novel....from back in 1999. Had purchased for 3 Bucks at one of the Library Book Sales! When traveling I don't like to take the real deal as Danl opens door to Van and stuff falls on the ground which is often soggy, muddy or compromised in some way.

Love the humor in this one...so went on line to Library and place holds on about 6 more of his work.

Bailed on "W" is for Wasted and "The Quest" and "Storm Front" ....geesch! High maintenance!

I need a nap...got the struggle with time change?

Yesteray started Amy Tan's newly published novel THE VALLEY OF AMAZEMENT.  Amazing read so far. http://www.amazon.com/The-Valley-Amazement-Amy-Tan/dp/0062107313/re...    Reviews are not exceptional but am finding it a good read.   Mother/daughter relationships pique my interest.

You might want to compare it to this novel I read a couple of years ago:  http://www.amazon.com/Shanghai-Girls-Lisa-See-ebook/dp/B001NLL82Y/r... 

I have read much of the Tan books and enjoyed them. This new one looks good. 




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