TBD on Ning

Tomorrow is another election day, an off-off year election day at that but notwithstanding, important as to the tea leaves...oh, my bad.

Virginia is the most interesting in what it might not show, which is worse; the ObamaCare snafu or the shutdown the government shutdown in the voters' minds. As of now, betting is on a double digit victory for McAuliffe, however, there is a election day concern as to who will show up, and vote. The Republican opponent, Cuccinelli has been written off, and slated to suffer a crushing defeat, as the voters of northern Virginia are to be in a mood to punish a Republican for the disruptions in Washington, and their jobs and income. Also, there is to be a wave of the gender voting to draw a line as to what women want, and don't want from their government. However, there is a wild card(s) in all of this, the libertiarn candidate, also on the ballot, Sarvis. Even if McAuliffe wins, it is the margin that could be important, and it is possible that McAuliffe doesn't get a majority of the votes cast. Then there are those behind McAuliffe, the Clintons as a reboot of their campaign machinery which would be used to elect Hillary in 2016, anything that tarnishes their clout would not be a good start. And, for Obama, his last minute campaigning could be conceived as only hurting McAuliffe with his health care miasma and thus tainting the Clinton brand.

The other election is the affirmation of Chris Christie as the great, big hope for the Republican national brand. with Christie anticipated to double digit his opponent, and win a true, blue, blue state, again, the media will slot him in as the front runner for 2016, and trouble for the right of the right of the Republican national party.

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yeah interesting, but I wish elections were about ideas and not, "Hey who burnt my toast this morning."
There is a lot of frustration out there and I suppose if you can get people to vent on your opponent you can win, cause as you know "Only winning counts!" 

Cause politics has become the new National Football especially since football may now be way too dangerous for anyone to play pretty soon.

ObamaCare snafu or the shutdown the government shutdown in the voters' minds

Neither.  The TP is really out of touch with reality, aren't they?

Virginia's GOP is losing to an absolutely horrible unfit Democrat because of the Tea Party.  Ever since they got into power, like so many other states, they have not represented the people that elected them and instead unleashed their gestapo tactics against women's' rights, unions.

The reason the GOP is doomed is because they still don't understand they are losing because of their far-right extremist ideology -- no other reason.  Got it?  If not, get it my friend.

So, interesting election results, but as to what it saying...not that easy to see what it all means.

What happened in Virginia is what most will fix on as being taken as a bell weather and attempt to project into 2014.  The governor and lt. governor races were closer than what had been previously predicted as the spread of 2.5 points for governor was much less that what had been at one time made into a double digit win for McAluiffe.  if the Cuccnelli and Sarvis are put together the vote is 52 against 47 for McAluifffe and as such makes the vote, if it is a considered to be a referendum profile on how those that Virginia feel about issues such as ObamaCare, telling.  

However, it is not that simple, as it is most elections.  The Virginia down ballot had the lt. governor race much more interesting as to the contrast to the candidates and with no third party involved Democrat Northam took out Jackson by 10 points. However, for the Virginia Republicans, they did hold on to the attorney general with Obenshein but by barely a point.  

The analysis of what happened in Virginia can be ascribe to the margins involved due to voter turnout, however, as to politics of why voters voted and the way they voted, both sides can declare victory of sorts.  In the end it was closer than anticipated and certainly was influenced by events in Washington, the Clintons, Obama and Biden.

In contrast, in New Jersey, Republican Christie blew out his opponent by 22 points, 60% to 38%.  Though the result was expected the end result is, the media has a lead horse in the 2016 Republican nomination race, for now.

De Blasio, first Democrat since 1989 as mayor of New York, was an easy pick, and maybe the only impact of OWS from a couple years ago.

A 25% toking tax in Colorado will probably put the illegal back into legal, as prohibition put into liquor in the Twenties, and no, no new taxes for the kids.  And the Republic of Northern Colorado is shrinking.  GMO labeling in Washington, not going to happen whereas, voting to increase your own income in small town of SeaTac, happening.  And the eight wonder of the world, gone, as was the grass and fly balls when it first opened.  

So as to the tea leaves(yes, my bad), in this off, off year election, a lot of what happened is the eye of the beholder.

And yes, it is all about Virginia, and whether it still is for lovers.  if you love muddle and confusion, you got that from Tuesday's results as the winners and losers are opined by the media. First, it was closer than originally handicapped.  The margins were closer and there was no sweep of state offices, plus there is a concern on the dynamics of turnout and ground game performance.

Second, the real political winners of the day in Virginia are the Clintons, while the biggest loser is, Biden as Obama probably should have stayed out of Virginia completely.  The inevitability train is on track and picked up steam for Hillary's 3rd term and the Obama legacy has been furthered bruised. with Uncle Joe being the person taking the hardest hit by association with a lame duck and failing, if not unraveling  presidency. 

As to Christie, it is an open question as to whether winning, ney, huge crushing win, monumental win, really, really big win in a true blue state makes the Republican right's hearts beat faster out of love, or hate, is yet to be determined.

The people indeed do love Christie.

As he said in his remarks last night to Iowa and the Tea Party, "Do you get it now?  You are losing everywhere else despite Te Party tricks and voter suppression.

Cristie is no friend of the Tea Party, and they hate him, and they will never support his presidential run.

Yet we dare to use him as a Republican icon because of his win?

 "Houston -- (you) have a problem."

Without the votes of women, Virginia would have elected a Governor who opposes safe and legal abortion, wants to restrict access to affordable health care for women, supports extreme and dangerous fetal personhood measures and calls the birth control health care benefit a "sterilization mandate."

If Ted Cruz and company's government shutdown exercise is exhibit A for what is ailing the Republican Party, Terry McAuliffe's victory over Ken Cuccinelli in Virginia's gubernatorial race should be exhibit B.

Maybe, what the Virginia governor's race showed was a majority of a minority won, if the 3rd party libertarian race was not in the race, Cuccinelli might have actually won by a similar margin that McAuliffe won by.  As to women, for women's issues, what this and the next elections show is how important it is to win state legislatures, and use the courts to overturn cases or sustain cases, and get expanded rulings.

For Christie it will be a test of his ambitions against the primary realities of a few states he has to run through to get the nomination, much less, the election.  

For Hillary, she is the surrogate winner in this election.  It is now important to separate herself from Obama, and marginalize Biden to assure her nomination and anticipated victory in 2016.  One of her problems though is, McAuliffe, he has to govern a state where he doesn't have the legislature, has few ties and few friends in the state.  

De Blasio has the similar problem, governing New York...City, which will be in transition from a long term set of administrations, not particularly friendly to the progressive agenda. The most immediate indicator of lack of success will be if crime goes up, even a little, De Blasio will be blamed, and will have explain what happened and why.

She won't separate herself from Obama.  She will embrace him as does most of the country.

There is nothing wrong with Obama other than he is the wrong party and/or the wrong race for right wing extremists who never learned to play well with others as a child.




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