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Obamacare laid bare

Every disaster has its moment of clarity. Physicist Richard Feynman dunks an O-ring into ice water and everyone understands instantly why the shuttle Challenger exploded. This week, the Obamacare O-ring froze for all the world to see: Hundreds of thousands of cancellation letters went out to people who had been assured a dozen times by the president that “If you like your health-care plan, you’ll be able to keep your health-care plan. Period.”

The cancellations lay bare three pillars of Obamacare: (a) mendacity, (b) paternalism and (c) subterfuge.

Charles Krauthammer

(a) Those letters are irrefutable evidence that President Obama’s repeated you-keep-your-coverage claim was false. Why were they sent out? Because Obamacare renders illegal (with exceedingly narrow “grandfathered” exceptions) the continuation of any insurance plan deemed by Washington regulators not to meet their arbitrary standards for adequacy. Example: No maternity care? You are terminated.

So a law designed to cover the uninsured is now throwing far more people off their insurance than it can possibly be signing up on the nonfunctioning insurance exchanges. Indeed, most of the 19 million people with individual insurance will have to find new and likely more expensive coverage. And that doesn’t even include the additional millions who are sure to lose their employer-provided coverage. That’s a lot of people. That’s a pretty big lie.

But perhaps Obama didn’t know. Maybe the bystander president was as surprised by this as he claims to have been by the IRS scandal, the Associated Press and James Rosen phone logs, the failure of the Obamacare Web site, the premeditation of the Benghazi attacks, the tapping of Angela Merkel’s phone — i.e., the workings of the federal government of which he is the nominal head.

I’m skeptical. It’s not as if the Obamacare plan-dropping is an obscure regulation. It’s at the heart of Obama’s idea of federally regulated and standardized national health insurance.

Still, how could he imagine getting away with a claim sure to be exposed as factually false?

The same way he maintained for two weeks that false narrative about Benghazi. He figured he’d get away with it.

And he did. Simple formula: Delay, stonewall and wait for a supine and protective press to turn spectacularly incurious.

Look at how the New York Times covered his “keep your plan” whopper — buried on page 17 with a headline calling the cancellations a “prime target.” As if this is a partisan issue and not a brazen falsehood clear to any outside observer — say, The Post’s fact-checker Glenn Kessler, who gave the president’s claim four Pinocchios. Noses don’t come any longer.

(b) Beyond mendacity, there is liberal paternalism, of which these forced cancellations are a classic case. We canceled your plan, explained presidential spokesman Jay Carney, because it was substandard. We have a better idea.

Translation: Sure, you freely chose the policy, paid for the policy, renewed the policy, liked the policy. But you’re too primitive to know what you need. We do. Your policy is hereby canceled.

Because what you really need is what our experts have determined must be in every plan. So a couple in their 60s must buy maternity care. A teetotaler must buy substance abuse treatment. And a healthy 28-year-old with perfectly appropriate catastrophic insurance must pay for bells and whistles for which he has no use.

It’s Halloween. There is a knock at your door. You hear: “We’re the government and we’re here to help.”

You hide.

(c) As for subterfuge, these required bells and whistles aren’t just there to festoon the health-care Christmas tree with voter-pleasing freebies. The planners knew all along that if you force insurance buyers to overpay for stuff they don’t need, that money can subsidize other people.

Obamacare is the largest transfer of wealth in recent American history. But you can’t say that openly lest you lose elections. So you do it by subterfuge: hidden taxes, penalties, mandates and coverage requirements that yield a surplus of overpayments.

So that your president can promise to cover 30 million uninsured without costing the government a dime. Which from the beginning was the biggest falsehood of them all. And yet the free lunch is the essence of modern liberalism. Free mammograms, free preventative care, free contraceptives for Sandra Fluke. Come and get it.

And then when you find your policy canceled, your premium raised and your deductible outrageously increased, you’ve learned the real meaning of “free” in the liberal lexicon: something paid for by your neighbor — best, by subterfuge.

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are you telling me that this isn't BUNKUM?

"As for subterfuge, these required bells and whistles aren’t just there to festoon the health-care Christmas tree with voter-pleasing freebies. The planners knew all along that if you force insurance buyers to overpay for stuff they don’t need, that money can subsidize other people.

Obamacare is the largest transfer of wealth in recent American history. But you can’t say that openly lest you lose elections. So you do it by subterfuge: hidden taxes, penalties, mandates and coverage requirements that yield a surplus of overpayments.

So that your president can promise to cover 30 million uninsured without costing the government a dime. Which from the beginning was the biggest falsehood of them all. And yet the free lunch is the essence of modern liberalism. Free mammograms, free preventative care, free contraceptives for Sandra Fluke. Come and get it.

And then when you find your policy canceled, your premium raised and your deductible outrageously increased, you’ve learned the real meaning of “free” in the liberal lexicon: something paid for by your neighbor — best, by subterfuge."

and read your friend's postings....always always about how terrible things are and the liberal agenda etc etc...

I accept your point. And I appreciate your doing a great job of clarifying it!

I just do not see that as a liberal agenda myself. But I do see the argument that is being made about couching real problems in a hidden manner to avert those issues from coming up while trying very hard to sell a policy.

I only want to use terms to help clarify. I do not like to typecast everybody into one narrowly cloned group. So I don't like it used here so much either in trying to denigrate. I do think that it is considering "modern liberalism" in it's definition, but when I read it I tend to think in my mind that it is applicable only to those that it actually applies to. In other words, I have low opinions of people that hide the truth to deceive and defraud others, but it is the same opinion of anyone that would do that, regardless of what party they are associated with and I do not at all think ill of others or assume that they all fit that mold because they side with leftist ideas in whatever form they get classified as.

Why is that not one of the right extremists are even vaguely embarrassed as they get busted time and time again by their "experts" getting busted deliberately lying, deceiving, scamming, and yes, Bu__ Sh__ing.  They embarrass us, the nation, and the world time and time again.  But never themselves.  Like gays and religiosity, is it a birth defect?

You should present some supporting facts when you make wild allegations LLL. But then the left just tosses out lies.  

Remember your Post "BREAKING NEWS".  

See my latest answer at http://teebeedee.ning.com/group/political-events-and-politics/forum...

Who's lying my misguided friend?

Deny and deflect. Don't look at substance. So what's your assessment of how the roll out is going Problem?

So what was your name on Eons problem?????

oh you're so right cod...we should all address the issues with relevant comments such as yours...these do show how well you stick to the issues and the subject matter ON YOUR VERY OWN POSTS while other people actually cite facts and statistics.

Reply by base2final 1 hour ago

    Deny and deflect. Don't look at substance. So what's your assessment of how the roll out is going Problem?

    So what was your name on Eons problem?????

Reply by base2final 1 hour ago

    Do you honestly expect an intelligent reply from the progressive left in this site A-4L? Best of luck.

Reply by base2final yesterday

    Or as this group is named, CURRENT EVENTS and POLITICS. Can't get much more current than this. I/m sorry that you don't like anything that exposes Obama Problem, but this is a bulls eye of what this group is suppose to be. You might not like it, but it is fact.

so is this where i am supposed to say ahh your mother wears army boots? or so's your old man?

If that's the best you can do, than by all means say what you will.  Once again you've proven you have the intellect of an 8 year old. Now go to your room

base: "Oh, look, the fire engine got a flat tire as it drove out of the station house. Obviously, the only sane and smart remedy is to GET RID OF EVERY FIRE STATION IN AMERICA !!!"

Hey, base - What was your name when you were a losing contestant on "Are You Smarter Than A Fifth Grader" ?

My name was problem again but then I changed to LLL. It wasn't so hard to remember for folk like you Snagg.

Face it Obama screwed up when he did not insist on a one payer system, he let himself be run off the road. The one payer system was the only chance this country had to lower health care costs. The fact is also true that the insurance companies are doing their best to make this whole situation worse. The cancellation of policy for people is in a big way political. I can only hope that WHEN Hillary takes over we can give up on this mess and get a one payer system.

I am seeing many people signing up for plans and celebrating because they are getting more for less money. I would like to see the health insurance industry die a fast death. They have screwed over this country long enough.

Just curious to hear what people can explain as to why single payer would be the only way or answer to improving our health care issues?

The main issue that I hear that this country has had was not with the quality of health care (overall) but with the cost of healthcare.

Do must people here feel or believe that single payer is the single solution to the problem that would fix or improve things?

Are there other combinations of solutions that could be good?

Why is it that capitalism can not work to bring about solutions?

Must it be socialized medicine?

Or could it be some hybrid of the both that could lower costs and still allow people to have many choices?




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