If the president is doing such an outstanding job, as liberals would like us to believe, why are his approval numbers at an all time LOW/
President Barack Obama’s approval rating has declined to an all-time low as public frustration with Washington and pessimism about the nation’s direction continue to grow, according to a new NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll.
Just 42 percent approve of the president’s job performance, which is down five points from earlier this month. By comparison, 51 percent disapprove of his job in office -- tied for his all-time high.
True, but have you checked your own? Pretty hypocritical LOL...
This isn't that untypical of a second term slump, it goes with the territory of being a lame duck, but of course, in the Obama case, they have been added to by unforced errors.
This isn't a 2nd term slump nor the persistent unwarranted errors of the right unforced.
The right is guilty as hell; be proud of it.
funny guy you cod....you always manage to tell just part of the story....it is politics in general that is in a declining approval mode...people are fucking tired of carping bitching whining and obfuscation....and some are tired of political games too..here is more on approval ratings...
A poll released Wednesday found Americans' approval of Congress dropping near all-time lows as the government shutdown continues with no solution yet in sight.
The Associated Press-GfK survey found that just 5 percent of the public approves of the job being done by senators and representatives, while 83 percent disapprove. 11 percent said they neither approved nor disapproved.
geee in that context, he must be doing something right...
Branch out and read something other than The Huffington Post. Pretty biased publication. Hey but if you're happy with the presidents numbers and performance, than you deserve what you're getting.
i quoted your own posted survey but you either don't seem to get that or choose to ignore the results that show the republican far right has to look up to see dog shit on the popularity polls.
The Associated Press-GfK survey found that just 5 percent of the public approves of the job being done by senators and representatives, while 83 percent disapprove. 11 percent said they neither approved nor disapproved.
that's the associated press...not the huffington post...see the way it works is the poll is independent from the reporting agency sometimes, not like murdoch's organs...
Not biased, truthful.
Fact-Checking can't find fuck-ups at HP like we all can at Fox, RW Talk Radio, and just about everything base2final posts.
Are you affected by the shutdown? Got a message for Washington? Send it to iReport and be part of CNN's coverage.
Washington (CNN) -- With the government shut down over a bitter partisan battle over the new health care law, the approval rating for Congress is plummeting to historic lows.
And a CNN/ORC International poll released on Monday indicates that it's not just Congress and its top leaders making history for all the wrong reasons. It's also the tea party and the Democratic and Republican parties.
According to the survey, just 10% of Americans say they approve of the job Congress is doing, an all-time low in a CNN poll. And 87% say they disapprove of the job federal lawmakers are doing, higher than it's ever been in CNN polling.
The 10% approval rating in the new CNN survey, which was conducted Friday through Sunday, is down 10 percentage points from CNN's previous survey at the beginning of the month. The 87% disapproval rating is a jump of nine points from the first week in September.
‘Mad as hell as we’re not going to take it anymore’
But that two-thumbs-down assessment also applies to almost every other politician measured in the poll. Consider:
Measuring the shutdown’s aftermath
And the American public is particularly mad -- at everyone -- after the government shutdown.
By a 41 percent-to-21 percent margin, respondents say they have a less favorable impression of President Obama after the shutdown rather than a more favorable one.
Ditto congressional Tea Party Republicans (45 percent to 12 percent) and congressional Republicans (53 percent to 9 percent).
Read the full poll here (.pdf)
Still, more Americans blame congressional Republicans for the shutdown (38 percent) than Obama (23 percent), while 36 percent say they blame both sides equally.
But the poll also shows that the political gains that Democrats made during the shutdown have eroded somewhat.
Democrats have a four-point advantage among voters, 45 percent to 41 percent, on which party should control Congress after next year’s midterm elections. Yet that’s down from the eight-point edge, 47 percent to 39 percent, they held in the last NBC/WSJ poll.
President Barack Obama addresses the issues facing healthcare.gov Wednesday during a speech at Boston's Faneuil Hall.
And measuring the health care rollout
In addition, the health care law is slightly less popular than it was earlier this month, according to the poll.
Thirty-seven percent see it as a good idea, versus 47 percent who see it as a bad idea. That’s down from the 38 percent good idea, 43 percent bad idea in the previous survey.
But the public is divided over whether the problems associated with the health-care law’s federal website are a short-term issue than can be solved, or a long-term issue that signals deeper troubles.
In the poll, 37 percent say that the website woes are a short-term technical problem that can be fixed, while 31 percent believe they point to a longer-term issue with the law’s design that can’t be corrected.
Another 30 percent think it’s too soon to say.
In a separate question, 40 percent say they are less confident about the health-care law from what they recently have seen, heard or read about it; 9 percent are more confident; and 50 percent say there has been no change.
As Hart puts it, “The sign-up problems have hurt the president personally rather than hurt the law.”
The NBC/WSJ poll was conducted Oct. 25-28 of 800 adults (including 240 cell phone-only respondents), and it has an overall margin of error of plus-minus 3.5 percentage points.
The numbers show the demise of the once proud Republican Party. Like a disease petulance their presence effects the rest of us and brings us all down -- including the Presidents numbers.
The only important numbers are the GOP vs the Righting Extremist Lunacy Wing, the Tea Baggers. The few healthy civilized Moderate Rs are being primaried to death again by the mobs in Republican Districts so gerrymandered and rigged that only crazy southern evangelists get to vote. Will the new Ridiculous Party become the Re[publican Party or will they continue to call themselves the Tea Party?
There will be no more GOP after 2014/2016, only the remnants of the Confederacy who seceded once, and want to secede again. That's what rural living, guns, and Bibles will do to brains if all they got is their bibles and guns -- no brains.
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The Huffington Post | By Mollie Reilly Posted: 10/09/2013 10:14 am EDT | Updated: 10/09/2013 3:22 pm EDT