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If I respect  Allan West and don't respect President Obama, am I still a racist??

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You teabaggers?? I thought that this would be a very tough concept for liberals. I was accused of being a racist because I didn't respect the president enough to vote for him. That's a fact. Now to simplify this so that even problem can understand it. If I were a racist because I didn't want to vote for a black man, would I still be a racist if I did vote for a black man? 

It is not about politics, that's correct. It IS about liberals labelling people by calling them a racist or a teabagger because they can't make an intelligent argument. This is also not about family marriage. It is solely about how hypocritical liberals are.   

i think your circuits are shorted....it was someone else who mentioned teabaggers but what the hey...don't let facts get in your way. they never did before. and from a long time knowledge of you, yes, you are a racist but you couch it in the oh it's his policies i can't stand. the exact same mantra handed down from freedomworks so we don't get the teaparty confused with the KKK. it isn't like we don't see the racism...

You do n't know me problem. I don't know you. From your ramblings I can assume that you are a progressive liberal who is an excuse maker for the presidents screw ups. For all I know you're a racist. Gee how liberals like to toss that word around whenever they have to default from intelligent debate to name calling. Keep up the good work problem. 

I personally think the sign is disgusting, but I also think calling people racist by association and not by fact is disgusting as well.

Both are prejudicial statements because they demonize people based on what one imagines about another rather than the actual actions of that person.

I don't know the history of Base here in the group, but the fact that he put this topic out and asked that question makes it sound like he feels that people want to use "racism" to "hide" discussing more policy matters or real incidents.

Why else would he put it out  there?

What would be the benefit to him to bring this topic up if he were racist? Just to have people deride him?

That is utterly ridiculous unless he likes to be abused.

If he wanted to be abused for being a racist he could just say racist things.

Is there a history of this here with him?

Why not just use his own racist quotes to identify the racism that is being suggested about him rather than search for someone else's racist comments if factuality truly is at the heart of such arguments.

"It is solely about how hypocritical liberals are."

It's "solely" about that - In your own little reality bubble. Out here, in the real world, though....


Look: You wanted to know if you're a racist. I don't know you personally, so I asked a question that might have answered that little curiosity -


And you (naturally) evaded it - In the same breath as bitching that problem evades answering YOUR questions.
Because, base, you don't really give a shit if we think (or KNOW) that you're a racist; Your entire little "theory" about your perception of yourself wasn't an honest query to any of us. It was, from the start, a pathetic, self-defensive attempt at convincing yourself, and not us, that you're NOT a racist.
Only you know the real answer to your question, base - But I STRONGLY suspect that you are a deep-down bigot, who needs clowns like Allen West or Clarence Thomas around to convince yourself that you're not a prejudiced hillbilly. (You sound like one of those embarrassing dopes who is always trying to point out to people who know better that you "have black friends"

But this video is an example of how you REALLY feel about them.


Plus (it's worth adding), your original question is an old favorite of other lying bigots, who try and twist the question into meaning that if liberals like Obama and not West, then liberals are "guilty" of "reverse racism" - Or other bullshit terms so beloved of the teabagger crowd.


Ain't taking your bait, base. I'd recommend that you'd have to try a lot harder, but it's pathetically obvious that this is the best you can do....

Now I'm not only racist, I am a lying bigot teabagger. My intent isn't to bait anyone. My intent is to expose the hypocrisy of the left. Your rant proves my point snagg

Again: Only in your own little reality bubble.

If you were as honest as you are paranoid, touchy and self-righteous, you'd admit that I said I SUSPECT you of being a bigot and a liar - Not that you ARE a bigot and a liar. You, of course, being such an honest person, would NEVER twist what a dirty commie liberal such as myself said, just to jerk your own self off. Heaven forfend.

But, Hey - This America, Land of the Free, and you can go crawl back under your self-pitying little rock and cry yourself to sleep, if it'll make you feel better. Maybe while you sniffle and suck your thumb, it'll cross your mind that this is the third reply to my posts that you've puked up, and not one of your replies has been honest or forthright or addressed any of the questions I've asked you - Because, you know, it's the lousy hypocritical libs who duck questions, and not big brave you..

I'm just kidding about that last part. It will NEVER occur to you that you're nowhere NEAR the Glenn Beck version of Captain America that you imagine yourself to be - As if being that would be something to be proud of.

How about just comparing a black man against a black man. This is not a difficult question.

"How about just comparing a black man against a black man. This is not a difficult question."

This, from the goober who was just attempting to insist that it's not about race. You're too dumb to realize that you're dumb, base....

"But one of my best friends is a n---er, jeb"

That was funny. :0)

Just have to say

And what qualities do you think that you have in common with Lincoln Snagg? Perhaps just in looks.




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