TBD on Ning

All afternoon I've been hauling in flower pots, transplanting annuals into pots and covering my tomatoes. They say we could possibly get a little snow tonight. Anyone heading south or actively preparing for the coming season?

Tags: nesting, travel, winter

Views: 138

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Okay, you killjoys! I get it - it's nice and warm there. I grew up in the South, so you are making this even harder on me! (It gets down to -30 degrees up here every year!)

AND  STILL, I do remember we did things (in the South) to get ready for the season change. In (Western) California (for example) the rainy season is coming.  Where I grew up (on the other coast) we would be getting ready to plant strawberries and cooler weather plants like daisies. We'd also have a whole mess of pine needles to rake!

In other places, leaves still fall from trees and there are still preparations to be made for the changes, so you don't have to be SO gleeful about your &*R^%%T&*$% (smile) weather. Besides up in Minnesota, we have this right now! (I don't know why the first picture got turned, but it did!)

depressing...ain't it?

Yeah, but when we're out there snowshoeing or skiing or sledding or sitting by the fire with a hot toddy (yeah, like I ever do that!) we'll have the last laugh!

(No, not me! and not my dog either! (wink!)

I know..you have blue hair.

For my daughter and her hubby, preparing for winter means servicing the snowmobiles and trailering them to Wisconsin so they will be ready when the first snow arrives. They are snowmobiling nuts!

when I was younger,i play in the snow on ATC's and quadrunners.

I would think you would like racing snowmobiles, Tim. 

for some reason,snowmobiles were never big at all here.

The only snow I see is in my vodka....don't even own a jumper

Tim....where I was living in Indiana, they have snowmobile races out on the frozen lake. My daughter and her hubby go north to Wisconsin Dells country. They have great, well- maintained trails.

I rode/drove practically everything,but I never drove a snowmobile.

It looks like a lot of fun. My daughter didn't think she would like it...because she feels like you do about the cold and snow. But now she has her own sled, with her color-coordinated snow suit and helmet. She loves it. They are teaching their grandkids to drive them.




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