TBD on Ning

All afternoon I've been hauling in flower pots, transplanting annuals into pots and covering my tomatoes. They say we could possibly get a little snow tonight. Anyone heading south or actively preparing for the coming season?

Tags: nesting, travel, winter

Views: 138

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(Not mine - either of them.)

I spent all afternoon straightening the deck.  I cut down the tomatoes and peppers and dead-headed my mums.  My flowers are still hanging in there, so I will leave them until they die off.  My dil brings all her plants in for the winter.....and my son absolutely hates it.......so I won't be bringing my herbs in for the winter.  I will just plant more in spring.  This weekend the hanging baskets will come down and get cleaned out.  Yesterday I hung my ghosts on the dead tree in front.  I'm ready for the colder weather.  Still in the upper 60s here, though. 

The only other prep I am going to go through is rearranging my closet and stocking up on hot cocoa and tea. 

I bring in plants, but kill most of them over the winter! ;-(

My mums are just now beginning to bloom, but of course we aren't getting a hard freeze yet, so I'll still have a few days to enjoy them before things really disappear.

Bloody hot here

Lol, you'd think truckie and I lived in the same place:  the way you prepare for winter around here is to finally be able to turn off the A/C.

Been great weather don't you think Rosie? Got to 88 while I was cleaning my pool. Was tempted to dive in.

What stopped you?  Man, if I had a pool, I'd be in it every single day. 

The does get nippy because of 50's nights. Like George on Seinfeld, I fear "shrinkage".

Hmm, that was a little bit mean, Rose!  :)

winter blows

SNOW blows! Winter sucks!




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